Chapter 3: A Girl's Night Out

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Chapter 3: A Girl's Night Out

Snow drifted down upon the pavement that waited below. Drifting through the cold, icy wind that seemed to never go away for these past few weeks. The snowflakes always reminded me of tears of the sky that cried when it was lonely, upset, or depressed. I was all of those things today.

The only problem was there was one person in particular that wouldn't allow me to be this way for long. "Geez, this place is filthy Vee." Nora said her tone beyond exasperated with the condition of my apartment.

"Well I'm not an OCD freak like you, Nora, I can live in this place and never feel the need to clean it." I said trying to look around her as she hunkered down in front of the tv to pick up miscellaneous items.

She paused for mere second to process what I had just retorted then busied herself back to tidying up. "I am not an OCD freak, and that's really offensive you know," she muttered picking up a leather jacket that I'm not sure was mine . . .

"Whose is this?" She asked throwing it at my face. I growled and was instantly hit by the smell of cologne, Archer's cologne. I took another deep breath of it before ripping the fabric off my head, and chucking it at Nora.

"Archer's." I said simply hoping she didn't bring up the subject. I didn't want to converse on that topic, not right now.

It has been three weeks since my last seeing of him and of anyone else for that matter. For now, I live in a single apartment on the sixteenth floor. The room was comfortable and roomy, except it depends on how many people are living there with you. After I left Archer that day, guilt swarmed throughout my whole body. Now that I thought about it, I still hold possession his jacket, does that mean I get to see him again? I sighed, letting the couch swallow me up, "It's just one thing after another."

"Vee! If you're going to lie around here all day, then try at least cleaning up," Nora called, waking me from my thinking.

Nora has been watching me as my life blew right out the door. She's always been there for me like I've been there for her. Except, only this time, I needed the extra hand. Footsteps stomped there way to the room then I noticed legs in front of me. "Vee . . . You need to get out of this place."

Where was I supposed to go? I asked myself.

"C'mon, I'm going to take you somewhere," Nora said lifting up by my arm. As I crawled away from her, she tugged harder. "Vee, you're never going to find a guy like this." Another tug.

Pain was creeping up my arm, finally, I called defeat and walked over to the counter. Maybe, I didn't need a guy. 

No man has ever stayed beside anyway, they just always seem to escape my grasp and die . . . I just wish I could've saved them . . . Saved them both.

Nora ceased her cleaning and looked squarely at me, "I'm taking you out, and you're going to look super sexy." Wait. Isn't this supposed to be the other way around? Usually I'm the one trying to get Nora out of her shell and out into the open.

"Nora . . . I don't think . . ."

"You're going. I'll be back at seven and you better be ready."

With that, Nora reached for her keys adjacent to her side of the counter, and stalked towards the door. "Seven o'clock," she repeated and shut the door on her way out.

As I sat there, I tried to figure out what had just happened. All I knew was that I had a date a seven tonight. Oh boy.

~ ~ ~

Night came and as promised, Nora came at punctual time, seven o'clock.

On our way to the bar Nora had mentioned earlier, I kept fiddling with the gem of my dress that she picked out for me. It was a nice fitted dress that hugged my body, making me look filled. My hair was let loose in soft waves, which was a complimentary of the dark, raven dress. The dress itself made me feel awkward, especially with the snugging of the material, and the heels . . . Don't get me started on those. But apparently by all the gawking eyes I was receiving around me, Nora's plan was a success. I was creating a lot of attention to myself and maybe I looked sexy? Only thing was I didn't feel sexy.

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