Chapter 4: No Regrets

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Chapter 4: No Regrets

Movement. A voice. An ache in my head. When I came to, I was lying on a couch, my couch. Every part of my body was numb, without any feeling. As I attempted to sit up, the throbbing of my head weighed me back down.

"Don't force yourself," a voice called out. Hands eased my numbing head back down to the soft cushiony pillow.

Opening my eyes, letting in a slit of light, I heard my voice say, "Why am I here?"

A laugh. "Well, you seemed to have a pretty bad black out, back at the bar, so I drove you home. But it seems," I could practically feel the smile that played across his lips, "that you're all fine now, since you regained consciousness."

Regain consciousness? "Just how long was I out . . .?" I muttered to myself.

"About a few hours, two to three, maybe."

That long?

Another laugh, "You were out for quite a while for only getting knocked out by a tray."

"Oh yeah, I remember now," I said mostly to myself.

Recollecting all of my memories from the bar, I heard Archer ask.

"So . . . where's my jacket?" Archer asked looking around in the mess.

I winced, remembering the condition of my apartment, he probably thinks I'm a pig. "Umm, I said trying to distract him a bit, "somewhere around that general area . . ." Saying this, I began to gesture towards the foot of the couch.

Watching Archer fail miserably at searching for the lost item, I got up, or planned to. I was just about to get it when Archer pushed me into the couch gently.

Raising an eyebrow at his movements, he smirked. "Wouldn't want you fainting again wouldn't we?"

Sitting there, I started to give his words a lot of thought and decided that I did want to faint again, because Archer will be there to catch me. Smiling to myself, I began to fantasize . . . I mean . . no, stop thinking like that Vee!

Shanking my head, I tried to refocus. Then, taking my head shake as an answer he moved on to a new topic. "Wow, Vee, this place is kinda a mess." He said looking around, I nodded in agreement with my face flushed.

Maybe I should have cleaned it, or well let Nora clean it.

"Yeah, don't remind me, as soon as I feel better I'm going to hire someone to clean it . . . maybe Nora will do it for free." I said knowing that she would.

"She will."

"Yeah she will."

"So . . ." Archer said while picking up his keys for his vehicle, "do you need anything before I go?"

Fluttering in my chest started to occur. He was leaving me already? Just like that? "You're leaving?" Was it something that had I said? Don't leave!

"Yea I figured since you were awake and alive . . . you didn't need me anymore."

You're wrong, I thought. How do I tell him this without sounding clingy? "But what if I need a . . . what if I have a concussion or something?" I said in a rush, wanting to prolong his stay . . . because I would be alone again.

"Vee, you'll be fine, you're a big girl," he replied.

I frowned.

Knowing that I wouldn't change his mind, I grimaced and nodded. "Okay . . bye Archer." After saying that, I softly laid down not wanting to watch him leave me. I guess, there really wasn't anything after all.

Then he surprised me.

Suddenly he kneeled down next to me, and before I could even process his actions, he brushed my hair from my forehead, and kissed me there.

Speechless, I heard him whisper, "Goodnight, Vee, feel better."

Removing himself from the floor, he started towards the door, but I stopped him with my hand on his arm. "Archer, wait." Awe man, what am I getting myself into this time?!

Turning around, Archer stared down at me.

Breathing in I braced myself, "Archer, I don't know why, but . . . Whenever I see you, I feel all fluttery and giddy inside." Blush began to rise to my cheeks, but I wasn't finished, "So . . . I'm just going to ask, do you feel it too?"

Silence was heard all throughout the room. Sweat began to bead down my palms. I was growing more and more anxious, with every second. The only pounding of my heartbeat was present in my eardrums.

Not saying anything, Archer kneeled back down. We were now eye level, in sync, we matched.

Staring deep into the depths of my eyes, he touched foreheads with mine like the time he did at the bar. All of the emotions came fluttering towards me. The thud of the heart, the bees in my stomach, the sweaty palms of my hands. Everything that I felt during that moment then, I was feeling here and now.

Not able to take it any longer, I sighed and said, "Archer, I'm-"

His lips were pressed against mine. Shocked, my eyes bugged out. >He's kissing me! He's kissing me! Why? I thought he wanted to leave me a few seconds ago?

Just roll with it Vee!

Taking my advice, I decided to take up on the offer before me. Archer fiercely grabbed a handful of my thick, blonde, wavy curls in his fist. Bringing us a bit closer, I scooted up. He started to make his way into my mouth, claiming me. Feeling jitters, I practically almost squirmed. Taking his other hand, Archer placed it behind the nape of my neck, trying to position me.

He felt so amazingly good, his scent was so good, everything about him was good. Archer was just an amazing guy. I think I might even . . . No . . . No way Vee . . . You don't know him that well . . .

Panting and breathing hard, he gave me one last peck, and lick before he said, "Vee . . . Im crazy about you. I have been from the start. Ever since I saw you looking all worried about meeting up with a stranger like me."

"But, you're not as bad as I'd thought you'd be."

Smiling, that adorably cute smile, he said, "Well, that's good at least."

I laughed. "Yeah."

Buzz. Buzz.

Checking his phone, Archer sighed in grief, "I'm sorry, Vee, but I got to go. The guys can't cover up for me any longer as replacement for my shift."

I felt like slapping myself in the face, I totally forgot that he was working! "I'm sorry that I caused you so much trouble."

Archer glanced at me with a huge grin, "Don't be, if I hadn't come here to drive you home, I would've never been able to finally kiss you."

I blushed.

Moving towards the door, no, I didn't stop him this time, he reached for the knob. "Goodnight, Vee, sweet dreams."

"See you around sometime?"

"Vee, I'll always be there when you need me."

I smiled, "Good to know."

"See you," he murmured closing the door gently behind him.

Sighing, I inhaled a breath of air. I was now currently falling for a sexy no good bad boy, who is one of Patch's friends.

The things I get myself into.

Rolling over, I pressed my head against the comfortable pillows, I hope that at least this time, I'll fall for him and live with no regrets.

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