Chapter 1: Blessing or a Curse?

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Chapter 1: Blessing or a Curse?

Tapping my fingers nervously, on the table, I waited. My eyes scanned the entire room, but nothing. He wasn't here. 

Why in the world, did I agree to this? I thought. I was sitting there, in a booth, at a brawling bar. He'll never be interested in me, and I'm not even ready for this. Especially not after Gavin.  

My mind started racking ideas and thoughts, of what he'd do. The first thing he'll do, if he even comes, is look at me and think to himself: This is what I was supposed to meet? And like all the others, leave me behind, without another glance.  

I sighed into my drink. Then chugged it down. I think I now know why alcoholics drink, but that doesn't mean I'll become one. No, because once you go down that road, you get a beer belly, and I was already borderlining curvy and fat. I didn't feel pretty, or look it, in my opinion. And the more I thought about all the loves in my life, the more I wanted to bring down my defences and cry. But I couldn't, I had to be strong for what's ahead if me.  

If I hadn't agreed to play along on this blind date, then I could maybe be in my appartment. Snuggling into the couch, eating popcorn, watching pathetic love stories, as I could only dream of that happiness. No more caring how I ate, looked, or even acted, just letting myself go.  

But Nora, wouldn't allow it. Not that it matters how I look, oh wait, yes it does according to Nora and Patch. They always looked so happy, full, and even blissful with one another. All I had was . . . I scrunched my nose in frustration. 

I should have never agreed to this date, or whatever it was. It was too soon, sure Gavin died three years ago but still it was too soon. I wasn't ready, maybe I should just get up and leave now. With no one here . . . 

I turned from the bar and surveyed the people. Patch said I would double date with them here, but so far I couldn't find them. Okay I'll wait a few more minutes, and if he doesn't show up, I'm leavi- 


So, he showed up after all. 

Taking in a deep breath, I trailed my eyes up to see the face of my date. I expected to see just a regular, cute random guy. Well I couldn't be more wrong. Standing before me was a dark-hot-most entirely-sexiest-blond, I had ever seen. His muscles were visible through his white fitted Tee, and his hazel eyes shone brightly, hinting with a bit of green, as he smiled at me. I felt like melting inside, but kept control of myself. This guy is only here for the date, not me, I thought. It was only because he was asked to come, so he had to be polite. He probably came, because he nothing better to do, not for me . . . 

Pasting a smile on my face, I decided to play nice, and said a soft, "Hello" I wasn't completely okay with this, and second this guy was making my heart do flip flops in my chest. That was just how hot he really was. 

Smiling, a beautiful smile, he reached out a hand, that had a couple of silver metallic bands around it. Then consuming my own hand, that I met with his, he spoke, "Archer, and I take it you're the Vee Sky I've heard everything about." 

I blushed, Nora. She most likely told this stranger more than he needs to know about me. Not that I minded but, normally, I wouldn't get flustered over such a thing. But his smooth hand felt so warm and good in my own, that I wanted to stay like that forever. Until, I realized that we stayed like that, more than it was intended. Blushing again I pulled my hand away and averted my eyes. Instead of complaining, or commenting about the moment, his eyes sparkled. In what, interest? 

No. It couldn't be, You only imagined it Vee. 

Clearing my throat, I said, "You may sit, if you'd like." 

Taking up on the offer, Archer sat across from me. He studied me closely, watching my every move, like watching the clock until your favorite show comes on. I shifted, in my seat, feeling slightly uncomfortable. But at the same time, getting a slight thrill at his intent stare. Where was Nora and Patch?!

I surveyed the bar, once again, hoping to get at least a glimpse of one of them. Archer raised an eyebrow curiously, wondering what I was doing. "Are you looking for them?" 

I almost didn't hear his words, as I kept looking, but what I did hear was his soft chuckle. That drew me away from my search to glance at him, "What's so funny?" I asked daring to know the answer. The first thing that popped into my mind was, he wasn't my date, and he played his little game. 

Until he looked at me squarely in the eye and replied, "Nora and Patch aren't coming."

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