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After watching the Inarizaki teams practicing you get up and walk out to get your stuff and ready to go home after school dismissal and watching the twins practice.

"Hey Y/n Chan! Let's all walk home together!," Atsumu excitedly calling out behind you which startled you.

Osamu and Kita was behind Atsumu.

"Where's your other friend? You know.. The one that is gloomy and always tired.." You ask them.

"He already headed home first since walking slow with a group will tire him more," Kita tugs onto his bag on his shoulder.

You guys walked outside and talking about funny and tragic movie you guys used to watch when you were kid. While talking with the Miya a twin you can feel Kita eyes were on you only. You try your best to not make eye contact with him while pretending you are talking with the twins. After you got to your house, your mom open the door and saw the three boys beside you.

"Oh my, the Miya twin and...?," She look at Kita, "You're the guy who gave us the buns this morning! Come in!"

"Oh, you can call me Shinsuke Kita," Kita annouced to her with a small smile.

Your mom look happy and proud then started to compliment the boys "So Y/n who's your boyfriend? Is it this beautiful young man here?," She pointed at Kita.

You blushed and look away with fluster "No! We are just friend, and we just meet yesterday!"

You glances at Kita while he look away scratching his head nervously.

"Mrs. L/n! Don't say that, they just met and besides why would they go on a date when they just met only one day," Atsumu pouted.

Osamu nudged Atsumu, "Hey, Kita-San is here."

"It's fine, Atsumu is right. Me and Y/n are just... Acquaintance," he smiled.

Your mom laughs a bit and apologized "Oh! Why don't you three come have dinner with us? I just finished some delicious meal to prepare for dinner."

Atsumu was excited and accept her offer while Osamu standing there, already drooling from hunger.

"Sorry but I had to–," Your mom cut Kita off and trying to invite him in but he sigh and accept.

"So Y/n had you fall for someone yet?," Your mom asked you with a curious and smile face.

"Huh? No why?," I ask her with confusion while tilting my head, taking a bite of rice with my chopsticks.

She then look at Kita with an sparkly eyes "Because this young man is a perfect match for you!"

You and the Miya twin accidentally choke on your own food.

"Mom!? Just stop it already! It's embarassing!," you flusters again and scolded her. Kita was sitting silently with his cheek burning red.


After a while the boys wave goodbye and went home. you sighed and went back to your mom.

"Why do you had to embarrass me in front of the boys!?," you cover your face with your hand with embarrassment.

Your mom was just cleaning the table as if nothing is going on, "Well it's true you know?"

You look at her then look at yourself in the mirror, feeling your embarassment went away.

"I don't..... have much time right..?," You whispered. Your mom then stop cleaning the table and stand there quietly.

"My dear... I know you like him. Why don't you just admit it? I can tell he had feelings for you too," she smile but her tone was low.

You quietly pull the back chair and sit on it " what should I do..?."

"When a rose stays there for too long its petals would fall off one by one, it best if you tell him about your feeling before it's too late," your mom pecks your cheek and then left the dining room.


While Kita was walking home with the Miya twin they went to their destination but suddenly Osamu stopped and turn to him.

"You and Y/n are hiding something away from us right?," Osamu says while Atsumu already left. Kita eyes widen when he said that

"What do you mean?," Kita asked him, pretending to act normal.

Osamu then shook his head and went home. Kita stand there in silencd and doesn't know what to do or say. When he got back home he quietly went to his room but his grandma stopped him.

"Kita, please come here," His grandma calls out. He went to her.

"Yes is something wrong grandma?," He asked her and she was looking at him.

"Is something bothering you?," She ask Kita but he try to keep quiet then finally speak to her

"It just that there's this one girl who I just had become friend with yesterday, I don't know what this feeling is but something been bugging me that I'm going to lose her one day..," He told her with a gentle look.

His grandma then get up and put her hand on his head just like she always used to do when he was younger, "Kita, do you like her? If you really like her then you must tell her how you feel before it's too late."

Kita look at her and took her hand off his head and smile at her "Grandma I'm old now. But I think you are right thank you, grandma."

He walk quietly back to his room, "Maybe I should tell her how I really feel before it's too late..."

LOST WITHOUT YOU (Kita Shinsuke x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now