Heart disease..?

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"I wonder what the other are doing now, practice must be really tough huh?," I said talking to Kanae.

She nodded and got curious too, then we both start studying and discussing a few of the work to each other.

"Didn't you say that you had a crush on Atsumu since middle school?," I whispered to her and her face slightly heated and flustered to my answer.

"H-huh? Ye-Yeah...," she said awkwardly meanwhile I chuckle.

"I was wondering maybe we can go somewhere fun before going back home!," I beams softly at her and she accepted the request quickly.

After school, me and Kanae went to a cafe restaurant and ate a lot of dessert, but I didn't eat that much because I'm still suffering from a heart disease so it's best for me to remain eating a little of sugary stuff. As me and Kanae was talk, I notice one of the member volleyball team from another school came in and order their favorite food. Suddenly, the oranged headed boy made eye contact with me and came up to me without hesitation which makes me quickly look away.

"Hi, I'm Hinata Shoyo! Nice to meet you!" he said to us.

"Hi, I'm Y/n L/n. Nice to meet you too Hinata-kun!" I said to him with my lips curls into a smile.

"I heard a lot about you and you look absolutely pretty!" His eyes sparkles.

I was enjoying myself while talking to him "Woah, I didn't expect to see you here, I heard about you a lot as well!"

"Yeah! Then that means you must heard that we beat Shiratorizawa?" He smiled even more than before.
"Indeed, you and your teammates must get along well, hm?" I giggled at him.

The 5 other peoole walk toward us in confusion while the other two have sparkles in their eyes.

"OMG OUR THIRD GODDESS YUU!!" One of the member said.


"That Tanaka, Nishinoya, Kageyama, Tsukishima, and Yamaguchi!," Hinata introduced while raising his hand to motion who's who.

"Argh... He..Hey," Kageyama cheeks flushes a bit although this is his first time talking to you, trying to hide his face with his bangs.

Two more member came in the cafe and notice us.

"Oh here we go again..," Tsukishima sighs and rolled his eyes.

"Oh, look who's here! The king who think he's first place, my ASS!" A unfamiliar guy who's one year older than you grinned. He doesn't seems to be in your school nor from this place. The guy eyes catches both you and Kanae minding your oen business. "Oh and who are these lovely two beautiful lady here?" He smirked.

"Oikawa, please don't. We only came here to visit this place," His friend sighs and rubs his face with his hand.

"Iwa, calm yourself down and find yourself a girlfriend for once," Oikawa cross his arms together.

"Hey! Shut up with your talk and lets go before I knock you down like last time!" Iwaizumi grinned deadly, "Because this time, I won't go with the flow."

"Argh! You win!" Oikawa sticks his tongue out childishly, "And Tobio, don't even think you can live a peaceful life!"

I watches them and hide my giggles.

"Hey hey! Don't you dare talk shit like that to our kouhai!" Tanaka barked at them.

"That's why yall are defeated!" Nishinoya barged in.

I took Kanae hand and my drink then left the cafe leaving the boy speechless and shocked to my action.

"Y/n?" Kanae looked at me, concern.

"Hm?" I look back at her and smiles, "Sorry, I just wanna leave because they disturbed our peacefulness."

Kanae chuckles softly, "Silly you."


When we got to our destination, me and Kanae wave goodbye and went to our own direction on our way home. While walking I feel something burning up and it was beating really hard, the pains grow even more. My heart... it keeps throbbing violently. Feeling the pound in my chest makes me fall to the ground, I gripped onto my chest and cried for help weakly.

"Please.. Someone," Tears rushes out my eyes as I loses consciousness and left outside laying on the floor.

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