Good Enough Wish Come True (Leggy x reader)

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You sat on your bed as you scrolled on your phone. It was a lovely evening at beach city. The sun sets onto the sea as the sky grew dimmer and dimmer as each second pass by.

You placed your phone down amd stood up from your bed as you went downstairs to have some dinner at it just turned quarter to seven.

You prepared (fav food). You placed the plate down along with a glass of (milk/water) you live alone ever since your parents died your aunt took you in but left you to live in an apartment where they pay your rent and the rest.

You work at 'The big donut' so you can gain money for food. Despite your fridge is always full because your aunt visits you every week to drop off groceries.

You wanted to work instead of laying around at home in the summer. Your workdays are monday to Wednesday. To the rest of the day you are free.

You always hang out with the cool kids since they were pretty nice people. You were introduced to Steven and his family 'the crystal gems' once. they were fun to hang out with.

As you finish up your meal went over to wash your dish. Though you don't usually go to bed just after you ate. You walk outside and gazed through the stars as they shimmer into the deep blue sky.

You saw a shooting star fall from the sky. You closed your eyes to wish 'i wish.... to see my parents again....just this once..if not please let me not be alone again...' you opened your eyes. And to your surprise, the shooting star began coming closer and closer to your direction. You quickly stood up in disbelief as the 'shooting star' falls and lands onto the ground just a few meters away from you.

You then ran to the direction. Hoping that it was who you think it may be. But holds doubts knowing it may not be. You looked to the hole the falling 'star' made. Smoke covered the hole as it then lightens up seeing a small figure lay down on the middle.

You narrowed your eyes as you came closer for a better look. The figure sat up and rubbed their head groaning.

"Ow..that landing was rough.."

Was what it said. With a soft and feminine-like voice. You stood there confused on what that creature to be.


the smoke fully disappeared showing a red short figure. They have red skin and an afro. They also wore some weird clothing with a diamond symbol on the middle.

"Oh hi!"

You jolted as it spoke. They then stood up dusting themselves.

"Um I'm ruby, what's your name?"

They said as the went out the hole like nothing and walked towards you. You quickly noticed the gem on their leg amd got a bit nervous. The gems have told you about homeworld gems and the diamonds. Which made you question if she's out to kill humans or gems.

"Uh...(y/n), I'm (y/n)"

You hesitantly held your hand out for them. They tilted their head in confusion at your gesture.

"..whats- what's that..what are you doing?"

You recoiled your hand back and rubbed your arm.

"Never mind..."

Leggy then proceeded to stare at you as you stared back. A moment of silence surrounded you both which made you feel uncomfortable.

"So uhh what brings you to earth?"

"Hm me? Well i uh don't really know. I just sorta... y'know fell here? I was supposed to be in a mission.."

"Do you have any content or mission to um kill?"



"Oh, no... not that i know of...?"

Leggy looked around seeing as the other rubies weren't there. She grew nervous, fiddling with her fingers. She turned to you with a crooket frown.

"You um....had a chance to see the other rubies...have you?"

You went to think and shook your head sideways. Which made her a little bit scared. And look down.


She asked as she continues to fiddle around with her hands. You gave her a sympathetic look.

"You wanna follow me home?"

"Home? Can i?"

You nodded and turned away as you then walked to the direction to your house. Leggy soon ran to follow you to your house. You went along the path as you saw your house near by


"So...human do this 'sleep' thing to regain energy?"

Leggy asked as you lay on your bed. You hummed in response as got under the sheets. Getting as comfortable as you can.

"We go to sleep for about 7-8 hours a day"

"That long? Then then what will i do till then? I don't want to be alone..."

You chuckled and picked her up. Pitting her beside you. You covered half of her body with the blanket.

"You can experience sleep with me."

Leggy got comfortable and looked at you with a worried expression.

"Will this 'sleep' hurt?"

"No quite the opposite actually. You loosen yout tense muscles err..physcal form. Close your eyes and think of nothing....say nothing and do absolutely nothing"

You yawned as you explained. You earned no response from leggy. You then looked over to her and saw her quietly snoring as she cuddles your blanket.

You smiled and kissed her forehead and layed back down. You hugged your pillow. You stare into her peaceful self as you began to fall alseep yourself. You looked at your window as you drifted off to a deep slumber

"This is a good enough wish, come true"


Wow, that tuckered me out myself
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Well I hope you like it!
Subrina out!
Word count: 1000

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