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Thanks for the request KeelinOgygia

Kuzupeko fluff.<3 This story takes place in the Kuzuryuu klan.

Fuyuhikos pow

I woke up to find Peko standing beside my bedroom door as always. "Good morning young master, you must get ready for the day" she said, completely stone faced. I sighed and quickly got up from my bed. I wonder how long she had been standing there..

I hated it. Not her, it. I never needed a "tool", I can do fine all by myself. I also hated the way the others where talking to her, like she was an object you could do whatever you wanted with, and not a human being. The question was how I could make her feel she was a human being and not some object. Many thoughts and ideas ran through my head as I got ready to the day.

As I walked out to the kitchen, Peko behind me, I noticed no one was there. "Peko, where is everybody?" I asked her. "You're parents are on a meeting and is coming home in 2 days, and you're sister is at her friend's house and is coming home tomorrow". She answered. "Ah FUCKING FUCK!" I yelled and hammered my hand into the table loudly and turned around to see if I scared Peko, I didn't want her to feel uncomfortable around me, hope she didn't noticed I was worried. But no, Peko didn't react at all, she didn't even move, just stood there stone faced almost like a robot.

"So its only us huh... Well any ideas of what we should do today?" She didn't react at first, then finnaly said something. "Oh are you talking to me? Well I shall do whatever you want to, there is no reason for you're tools opinion". "...." It was like talking to a wall...

"PEKO YOURE NOT A GODDAM TOOL YOU HAVE EMOTIONS JUST AS ANY OTHER HUMAN BEING, STOP WITH THAT BULLSHIT WILL YA" I sighed heavely and tried not to hit the table again. "Why can't you see.." She looked surprised, almost like she didn't understand what I was saying as if I was speaking another language. But I knew she had emotions just like me, she was just good at hiding them. 

"Peko what's you're favorite animal?" "uhm young master.." "I said, what's you're favorite animal". She looked confused again, but answered this time. "Uhm pandas I guess" I smiled at that. "See! You have opinions just like every other human being!" She looked down. "I am sorry young master, I should never have stated that". I rolled my eyes, "GOD don't say that, I'm just trying to proof to you that you're a fucking human being and not some BULLSHIT object".

A little smile formed on her face, "you are very kind young master.. But I was born to be you're tool, that is my only purpose." "SHUT UP THATS NOT FUCKING TRUE" She sighed and closed her eyes.

I took her hand in mine, she quickly opened her eyes confused. "You can feel that right, a fucking object wouldn't be able feel that". It was at that moment I realized how close we where. I blushed and took a step backwards, letting go of her hand. I looked over at her, she looked confused, but in another way this time. She seemed to be deep in thoughts, I wonder what she was thinking.

I prepared myself for what I wanted to say "Peko why are you always by my side in everything, no matter what.. Do you like me or is it just something youre ordered to". That was hard to say, but I had to. I quietly waited for her response, nervous.

"That's why I care about you this much young master.. You're very kind and have a big heart". *shocked anime sound* "huh". "If I should be 100% honest, you are the person I care about the most, I will protect the others in the clan naturally, but you.. I can't live without you". I was tottaly in shock. "I also would have no purpose as a tool with you gone".


kissed her.

I closed my eyes and wrapped my arms around her neck, to be honest I was a little embarrassed by my height. I opened my eyes in shock as she kissed back, her hands where now around my face.

When we parted, I stared into the ground for some seconds, blushing deeply

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When we parted, I stared into the ground for some seconds, blushing deeply. "See you have emotions.. Anyway let's just watch a movie or something.." I said, still looking down. I took her hand, and dragged her with me into the couch and turned on the TV.


I opened my eyes and looked over at the clock on the wall. I had fallen asleep yesterday on the couch. I looked around, and gasped. Peko was still asleep, her head on my shoulder. I smiled and blushed a little.

I was about to go back to sleep, when I heard a clicking sound, followed by some giggles

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I was about to go back to sleep, when I heard a clicking sound, followed by some giggles. It was Natsumi, she had seen us, and taken a picture of us.. "NATSUMI!" I yelled. I Quickly got up and started to chase her, "DONT YOU DARE!" we laughed. Then Peko woke up, and looked around tired. "PEKO THAT BITCH SNAPPED A PICTURE OF US SLEEPING!" I yelled at her, hoping to get her to help me get it. "Why would she take a picture of someone sleeping?" Peko said, Natsumi then showed her the picture, laughing.

She gasped when she saw it, and we both blushed. "Well fineeee I delete it, you 2 are cute af" Natsumi said and started to giggle again as she left the room. I helped Peko up and we got some breakfast. We just stared at each other, eating quietly.

After we ate, I finnaly managed to ask her out on a date.. She said yes and now we're dating I guess.. And I don't care what any of those bastards in the clan says, Peko is a human being, with emotions and opinions. And now she is finnaly mine.

1k+ words<3

hope this was ok. Its better than my 1st kuzupeko oneshot at least. Hope you enjoyed and vote if you liked it! See you in the next chapter and remember that request are always open! Have a good day/night! Bye for now!

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