not too late(kuzupeko)

711 18 50

(This story takes place after the killing game, where they are on the real jabberwock island alive exept Chiaki)

(Im not crying I promise..)

3rd persons pow

Fuyuhiko woke up early in the morning in his new room on jabberwock island. He still needed to get used to this. It was hard to forget all the terrible things that had happened, both in the killing game and as ultimate despairs, but the most important thing where that they where alive and they where themselves again.

Fuyuhiko finnaly got up from his bed, and dressed himself in his suit. He tried to be as quiet as possible as he left to the dining hall to grab some food, since it was still early in the morning and he didn't want to wake anyone up.

As he entered the dining hall, he saw Hajime was already there sitting at the table. He wasn't eating anything, he was looking at something and didn't really seem to be in the best mood. Fuyuhiko wanted to ask him what he was looking at, but knowing Hajime he would just say "nothing" and put it away before Fuyuhiko could see what it was, so he didn't say anything. The gangster sneaked up behind him, to get a glance of what he was looking at. As Fuyuhikos eyes glanced over, he let out a sad "oh" as he realized what it was.

It was a picture of Chiaki.

Hajime had her hairclip in his hand, as he carefully stroke his other hand over the picture, as if it was made of porcelean. Fuyuhiko saw the grief and despair in Hajimes eyes, and layed a hand on his shoulder. "She isn't coming back, she never will" Hajime said and stood up.

"You understand after all, you thought Peko was gone too, you're so lucky she survived". Fuyuhiko didn't know how to respond to that, he just stood there, looking at him. Hajime gave the yakuza a small but sad smile as he continued to speak. "Dont make the same mistake as me, you never know when its too late, you should ask her out". Fuyuhiko wanted to snap at him for saying that, but it was like he couldnt move in that particular moment, so he just watched as Hajime smiled one last time and left. Now the young small boy was left all alone.

He wasnt even mad at Hajime, how could he, he knew he just wanted to help after all. The teen sighed and started grab some food to eat. When he was done eating, he decided to go to Pekos room and check if she was sleeping.

She wasnt. As he glanced into the window to Pekos room, he could see that she was sitting on her bed just staring into thin air. He then walked to the front door to her room and knocked carefully on the door. "Come in" he heard a tired but kind voice say.

"Oh its you" she sounded rather suprised but not disapointed.

"Yeah.. I just wanted to check if you where.. yk ok". "Of cause i'm ok young master, please do not worry about me" was her responce.

"I told you to stop calling me that! Our old lives are gone! We will live here in peace on this island for a long time now"

Her expression didnt change "I am sorry, Its a habit, it will not repeat".

Fuyuhiko sighed deeply, why couldnt she understand? Shes making it harder to confess to her when she just have that empty expression.


He started

"Do you uhm.. you wanna look at the stars with me tonight?"

She looked suprised for a second, but her expression changed back again to the same empty emotionless one she had before.
"Remember only if you want to, not because I want to".

"I want to" she smiled. She SMILED!

Fuyuhiko's face then turned a deep shade of red, not just because she said yes of her own, also because she smiled and he didnt know she would look THAT cute while smiling. He thought that Peko's cheeks where a little pink too, but maybe that was just his imagination.

"Ok.. see you then" he said rather fast. "See you then.." she answered. He rushed out of the door, his heart was beating so fast, but he did it! He asked her out!.. In a way..


The night had come, and a blanket of darkness had covered the light from the day. The tiny gangster sat on a blanket on the grass, looking up at the night sky waiting for her, clouds where covering the stars. As he sat there staring up at the night sky, he suddenly heard footsteps behind him. Peko.

"Oh, Peko" he said, and made space for her on the blanket. She gave a little smile, and sat next to him. Silence filled the air, Fuyuhiko gazed over to find Peko smile at him. 'Fuck' he thought to himself, 'why must she be this cute?!'. He couldnt help but mentally scold himself for not saying anything. "Are you ok you- uh Fuyuhiko, you look frustrated". "Y-Yeah I'm fine.. I guess".

Suddenly all clouds where gone, only to reveal the beautiful stars shining. "Oh wow! Theyre beautiful!" Peko said, she looked exided. ".. yeah like you.." Fuyuhiko mumbled to himself. "What?", "NOTHING!", "Fuyuhiko.... whats wrong". She looked worried. He took a deep breath, Hajime was right he just needed to confess to her! All he could get was a no, that would be better than never knowing if he had a chance right?

Fuyuhiko sighed, "I simply said that they look beautiful like you", he tried his best to keep calm, though it was hard. Peko turned a shade of red, it seemed like she didnt know how to respond to that. Fuyuhiko also turned a little shade of red, but he wasnt about to stop now. "Peko.. honestly I invited you here because I have something to tell you, something very important". He looked away for a second but then felt something on top of his hand, it was Pekos hand and she was looking him straight in the eyes now. "Go on" she said calmly, and gave him that beautiful smile again.

Forget the little shade of red, Fuyuhikos face had now turned 10 shades redder(can u say that ;-;). He sighed again, "Peko, I don't know if you know yet but, you mean the world to me I never want to loose you again, and I'm so sorry for all the shit you had to go through but its over now and if anyone ever hurts you again ill fucking murder them! Got it?". Pekos face was also very red now, she seemed speechless. "What I'm trying to say is.. I like you.. heck I fucking love you Peko". She seemed shocked for a moment, but then calmed herself, her hands where still in his. "I.. I love you too.. Fuyuhiko..". (AHHH)

Then, he smiled too, enjoying the moment. A silence filled the air once again, until Fuyuhiko broke it. ".. does this mean I can kiss you now..". Peko gave him a look, and then responded with pulling him closer till their noses met, he then felt a pair of soft lips brush against his. He never felt happier, and so he closed his eyes and leaned in, this was the moment he had wanted for so long, and it was happening right now. He wrapped his arms around her, and never wanted to let go, this was love.

They didnt even notice a boy passing by, looking at them. The boy looked down at the hairpin in his hand and said "see Chiaki, we got a happy ending".

A/N: You have no idea how much I cringed writing this- well anyway sorry that this took so long- hope you enjoyed it, make sure to vote if you liked it and comment suggestions if you have any :3

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