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She walked across the deck of the ship looking for a place to hide the root if she managed to find it. She eventually found a stack of barrels by the mast and thought that would be a good hiding spot. She had then found a spot on the ship close to the barrels to cast her fishing line.
Many hours had passed and the only thing she had caught was a dozen fish. She was sitting with her back against the side of her ship while looking at the map, crossing off an area that they had already covered and let out a tired sigh. It was taking quite a while to get through the area but she knew it was still faster than her going by herself in that small row boat. More hours would pass and it was already mid-day. Ices stood up and took the bread out of her satchel before deciding to stretch her legs for a while and walked across the deck, going to see how many fish Bucket and Mulch had caught already on the other side of the ship. As she approached she became overwhelmed by the smell of fish and she covered her nose with her sleeve.
"Sweet baby Thor in a thunderstorm, that smell!" She said as her eyes would water up from the musky aroma of dead fish.
"Yup, that's quite an honest day's work. I think we have enough to go back to the village now" Bucket said looking proudly over his many barrels of freshly caught fish that were filled to the brim. Ices saddened at not having been able to catch the root but thinking he was right, since they had already covered all of the area she mapped out.
"Hang on lass, I think you got a bite!" Mulch exclaimed at her as he saw something tugging at her rod. She rushed back over to it and started reeling. Gritting her teeth aggressively as she reeled, her catch being a lot more weighty than the last.
"Come on root, come on root!" she said under her breath when she gave one final yank to pull her catch above water and pull it on deck. She looked down at it before her and a big grin formed on her face when she finally saw the big green root laying before her on the deck.
"You alright there lass? Did you find what you lost?" Mulch yelled from across the ship, not being able to see the root. She then turned and shook her head.
"No just another big codfish. I don't think I'm gonna find it anymore, it might just be best to head back home" She replied, her voice carrying to him from across the ship. Mulch then turned to steer the ship back to the docks while Bucket prepared the barrels to load them off the ship. Ices had also caught some fish of her own so she hid herself behind some barrels and took out all the fish she caught and put the root in before covering it all in fish. They made it back to the docks just before sunset, where a few vikings stood waiting who ran the Berk storage house along with Stoik the Vast. As soon as Ices saw the chief's red braided beard from a distance she swallowed hard, knowing that if she was caught with the root she could get herself in a lot of trouble.
They docked and placed the walking plank for Stoik to lead the storage house workers on the ship to start bringing the barrels to the storage house, as he himself oversaw and checked their catch of the day. After he seemed satisfied with them he went over to the both of them to commend them on their work. While they were talking Ices saw an opportunity to sneak off the ship without being seen by mingling with the workers carrying her own barrel off the ship, having left her satchel and rod behind in the rush to get off the ship unseen. She had made it to the village but then remembered that if the dragons could sense it, they would go wild and she couldn't bring it home because of her mother's dragon. Then as she heard footsteps approaching from the workers coming up to the village, she made a spur of the moment decision to bring the root to the cove. It was quite a while walking, lugging the heavy barrel through the woods but she was undetected and no one really went into the cove anymore, being kept busy with rider responsibilities, which was what mattered more in the moment. It took awhile but once she made it, she looked for a place she could hide the barrel for the night. She saw there was a shaded dark area under the roots of the giant tree and no one should be able to the barrel in the darkness, so she decided to leave the barrel there behind a big root by the wall. As soon as she was satisfied with her hiding spot she looked around to see no one was around her, then hurried back to the village to her house to get some rest.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2020 ⏰

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