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A young Viking girl, more tanned than any of the vikings in her village, with dark brown downturned eyes. A fair blue tunic with a high v-cut under with big but short sleeves. Over which she wore a thin, black fur coat, along with slightly big dark blue pants and short but oversized boots with tassels of fur at the top. Long, thick, dark brown hair tied with a light blue cotton strip, in a low messy ponytail. Long bangs over her right eye, tied together to thin the hair, making it look like a thin braid, that lead to a thin ponytail at the end. Leaving one of the many houses in the village, with a focused yet thoughtful expression, walked through the bustling village called Berk. With heavy steps and long strides, she walked not acknowledging any of her fellow vikings, and not the flying reptilian beasts the village had made peace with around 14 nights prior. Even though this was how she appeared in the moment, it was not like her usual talkative and sometimes mischievous self. This was her serious self, which she only was if the situation called for it. And in that moment she was reminiscing. About, what in her opinion, were the better days in the village. The days before Vikings and dragons were at peace. Back when she, along with her fellow younger vikings, would train to be strong, trap, fight and kill the beasts.  

Eventually, the young viking walked along a bridge that gave a stunning view of the open ocean, right above the village docks. As she turned to face the vast waters a breeze of cold air would caress her face. Sending a calming shock through her spine. She would keep her eyes set on the horizon. Hearing nothing but the calming sound of ocean waves colliding, until a sudden roar of a Night Fury broke the silence. She hunched her shoulders, ducking slightly as she turned around looking up, seeing the dragon rush over her head, that was then soon followed by the other dragon riders. Flying off ahead of her, interrupting her quiet view. She sighed and shook frowning slightly. After the Red Death was defeated, it had been like this almost all day, everyday. Always chaotic. The girl kept her eyes on the Night Fury and its rider. Her gaze turned into a glare the longer she watched.

Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III. The boy that wants to spread peace with the dragons across the Archipelago. At the mere thought such an idea the girl scoffed and shook her head.
"As if that could ever happen" She said under her breath.

"As if what could ever happen?" A voice questioned her from what sounded like below the bridge on which she was standing. She leaned over the side to see who it was until a giant black beast would rush only an inch away from the tip of her nose, speeding up into the sky in front of her. She stumbled backwards in shock letting out a surprised shriek. Catching herself on the rocky cliff behind her she watched the dragon spin in the air above her before it pointed its nose back down and landed itself beside her on the bridge.
"Sorry if we scared you there Ices, he is a little bit of a show off, aren't you bud?" The dragon shook its head from side to side before it produced a sound that was close to resembling human laughter. Ices straightened her posture and her fists on her hips, lifting her chin up with a smug smile on her face.
"You should know it takes more than that to scare me Hiccup." But he looked at her with a doubtful expression, knowing from all the years they knew each other, that scaring her was actually not as hard as she was pretending it to be as she was secretly more sensitive than she would let anyone believe. But she quickly caught onto his expression and gave him a hard shove on his shoulder, as she laughed slightly. "Oh shut up". She said as she shoved him, forcing him backwards a couple of steps, but wasn't able to catch his footing all so well and Toothless leaned into him to support him.
"Oh hey come on! You know I'm still not used to walking with this thing yet" Hiccup said as he gestured toward his prosthetic leg with his other free hand. To which Ices simply shrugged without any sympathy "Should have thought of that before you went on to saving the whole village from the Red Death." She said teasing him as she watched him pull himself together, regaining his balance.
"Okay, next time, I'll let it roast the lot of you." He said jokingly, raising his eyebrows with a selfasured smile. Ices rolled her eyes at his comment before she started laughing heartily yet sounding a bit like she was choking at every inhale, which made him laugh as well. 
"Oh but that reminds me," Hiccup says to her as they calm down from their laughter a bit.
"Did you think about my offer yet?" He asked her in a more serious tone. She said nothing at first before she sighed and looked up at him as she was only around shoulder length compared to him. 
"You really aren't going to give up on this, are you Hiccup?" She shook her head and shrugged her shoulders. "But no, I haven't changed my mind." She turned away from him, back to facing the ocean, feeling a little frustrated he had to bring up the same question that he had been asking her for 2 weeks now. He went to stand beside her, also having his posture turned toward the ocean. 
"You know, no matter how much you want to deny it, you're part of the group Ices. You trained with us and grew up with us. You helped fight the Red Death and we are working to make peace with the Dragons so we can all live together. I know you said you didn't want to but if we could get you your own Dragon --"
Mid sentence, Ices turned toward him, cutting him off from what he was going to say with a somewhat frustrated expression.
"See that's exactly why I don't want to join you, Hiccup. You think that if we all live together it will create peace. And I just don't think that's possible, okay?!" She snapped at him leaving him without another word to say. As they looked into each other's eyes in that moment she could see him struggling to accept that she no longer supported one of his ambitions as she used to do in the past, yet he still felt hopeful and inspired. But what he saw in her was her, somehow rageful, irrational and somewhat unsure and afraid in a way that she had not been before. He opened his mouth to break their moment of silence but she beat him to it with a deflating sigh.
"Don't get me wrong. I believe it when you say Dragons aren't inherently bad creatures." She said before she walked over to Toothless who stayed close behind him quietly. He followed her with his eyes as she knelt down beside him and gave him a scratch under his chin which he seemed to enjoy. "But having them live together with humans is nothing but a dream. Dragons and humans aren't meant to live together. They're 2 distinctly different creatures and are better off being separated from each other. Humans are violent, more so than Dragons and there is no way on earth that you will be able to make everyone accept the Dragons."
Finishing her sentence she stood up looking towards the wooden bridge below their feet and shook her head before looking up at him again. "So I'm sorry Hiccup. I'm not joining your Dragon Riders group"
Another moment of silence filled the space between them before Hiccup took a step towards her and gave another selfasured smile and put one hand on Ices' shoulders.
"I was able to convince my father, Stoik the Vast. Known for his stubbornness. If I could change his mind. I can change yours too." To this comment, the roles were reversed and he left her speechless. She wasn't sure if this was stubbornness or hope he had in her but she was stunned. Hiccup then nodded before turning back to Toothless and gesturing for him to come along.
"Let's go bud" He said to the dragon, and with that the two of them left the bridge. 
Ices watched them walk off and as they disappeared behind the corner of the cliff wall, she blinked rapidly then shook her head before, again, turning back toward the ocean.
"Yeah we'll see about that" She muttered to herself. Once again feeling the return of that ocean breeze.

Watching over the calm sea as her eyes were pinned to the sun that started to slowly sink below the horizon.

"It could never work..right" She said to herself as if she was reaffirming yet questioning herself. Then, in a moment of curiosity, she closed her eyes and let her mind wonder. For a moment she let her imagination, entertaining the thought of her being a dragon rider.

She could see herself Mounted on one of the scaly beasts, much higher than horse and much more unruly. Her and her new companion speeding through the air, above the ocean, cutting through the water. launching into the air above the clouds feeling a sense of complete freedom. Then, the skies turn red and an armada of hunter ships appear before her from under the clouds. They launch a billion flaming arrows at her and the dragon, and they engulf them like a massive tsunami wave.

Ices' eyes shoot open and she lets out a faint gasp in shock as she brings herself out of her fantasy. Then, her eyes narrow in discontent as her mind regains its rational conscience as she recalls all the violence against the dragons over the past 300 years. She then shut her eyes briefly as she let out a deep deciding sigh "No.. It would only provoke them".

She said to herself as she knew that having dragons around would only make them more of a target if they are always present, putting the beasts in danger that much more. She proceeded to ponder as she stood and watched the horizon, letting the ocean breeze brush through her hair as the nights cold crept through her skin giving her goosebumps and shivers. She let out a final sigh before she let her arms drop by her sides as she turned on her heel and trekked back to her family house in the village.