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"Nice to meet you Sakamoto."
She can't help the relieved smile on her face. He's the first person she met here on campus and it's really not in her interest to scare him away. But she won't lie, he makes her kind of nervous. She just hopes that she doesn't come off as awkward. She wants to make a good impression. Who knows maybe they can become friends..
She gives him an inconspicuous side eye, seeing him type something on his phone. His bangs falling into his eyes as he frowns, before raising his gaze and catching hers.
She can't help but keep eye contact for a second longer, captivated by those dark pools.
They're kinda pretty.
Snapping out of it she turns her head back to the front as heat starts to rise in her cheeks. Shit. She looked for too long. Now he definitely thinks she's awkward.
Or that he had something on his face.
She could slap herself for that. She's behaving like a child.
Shaking her head she takes out her pencils and a notebook, ready to distract herself with whatever the prof is talking about four rows infornt of her. He's still introducting himself and it's boring Yumiko in her seat.
She's lost in her thoughts once again, thinking about her new dorm. She still has so much to unpack later on. She lightly tapps her pencil onto the desk in a beat.
That is until a hand comes down onto hers, making her jump in her seat at the sudden warm touch. Following the arm back to the owner of it, she's met with Akaashi's gaze once again. "Stop that. It's distracting."
She quickly retracts her hand, holding it closer to her. "Oh, sure. I'm sorry..I didn't mean to." She mumbles.
"It's okay. Things like that just annoy me."
She nodded in understanding. "Sorry again."
"Just don't do it again." He hummed.
Way to go Yumiko. Now you really fucked up.
She sighs to herself, leaning her head against her palm. Ready for the day to finally end.
It's silent between the two of them for the next few minutes. Both of them attentively taking in the words of the prof. Or that's what Yumiko did at least.
Akaashi on the other hand couldn't take his attention off of the girl sitting next to him. He doesn't know why but the way she's so easily embarrassed makes him want to push her more and more.
Kinda cute.
His lips lift up into a subtle smile.
He watches her for another minute. The way her dark eyes move from the prof to her notebook, taking notes he probably should aswell. Her full hair falling into her face everytime she looks down onto the sheet of paper. Eyebrows furrowing a tad bit in either annoyance or concentration, he can't be sure.