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Yumiko didn't drink very often, because she doesn't know how to act when drunk. It's not that she becomes rude and aggressive, but that her social anxiety and boundaries pretty much cease to exist. It's a blessing and a curse at the same time.
She finds herself seeking this feeling of freedom and peace but it comes at the price of embarrassing moments. Or at least moments that her sober and once again anxiety filled self deems that way.
But right now at that moment, Yumiko doesn't give a single fuck. Maybe it's due to the alcohol she consumed throughout the night, maybe it's the guy that's holding her hips and dancing with her to every beat of the music or maybe it's just pure happiness that stems from finally leaving her village and problems behind.
She didn't know. And she cared even less.
Akaashis hands roam her waist with a small smile on his face, thinking about how lucky he is to be the first one this close to her. Both bodies moved in sync with eachother, fully relaxed in each others embrace.
Slender finger cupped her chin and turned her head towards his gaze. Seemingly lost in the dark eyes that reflect the shining lights around them. "You're really beautiful."
Yumiko frowned, unsure of what he said. "Huh?"
He shook his head, leaning down so his upturned lips are only an inch away from her ear. His warm breath hit her neck as he repeated himself. "You're really beautiful."
He pulled back and suppressed a chuckle at her comically widened eyes.
"Ehm- thank you." Yumiko wasn't sure if she remembers how breathing works. Thats definitely something she didn't expect him to say.
He's just so pretty..
He smiled and leaned down once again. "I'm gonna get myself another drink, do you want me to make you one as well?"
She shook her head. "Nah, you make them pretty strong, I don't think I can handle another one of those without passing out somewhere in the corner."
He chuckled at her joke and let go of her. "Okay, go sit down with the guys then. I'll be back in a bit."
She gave him a nod and he turned around and left into the direction of the kitchen.
Letting her gaze roam over the crowd, she tried to make out the couch she was sitting on earlier that night, but everything is kinda blurry. Her eyesight wasn't the best and being drunk and in the dark wasn't helping her situation either.
She decided to just start walking and look for the nearest chair or couch, because her feet started to hurt and the loud music made her a bit dizzy.
She came closer to a little group of people and internally prayed that they wouldn't shoo her away. Her eyes were focused on her hands as she tried to build courage to ask them if she's allowed to sit with them. That's when a loud laugh breaks her train of thoughts.