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Author : Since some people prefer happy ending in the stories! I took time to write this chapter. I hope you guys enjoy this! This is only for people who wanted to read a happy ending~ But if you just wanna know what can be the happy ending story anyway you can read this! It's optional for you to read this chapter. Enjoy !☺♥️

Seven years later,
It was finally the day I waited so much for!

It's my graduation day!! I feel so happy about finally graduating from the law university I always wanted to study in! It took lots of efforts, promises and dedication to reach this final stage!

I have been a decent yet fun loving student all my studying years!

Today me that is Aisha, welcomes you to my graduation ceremony!

Well it's not really dreamy as I thought it would be! But we do have few dance programs, some music bands performing, some mandatroy speeches and of course a dinner party!

After receiving our certificates from the head of the law university,

"Lovely to see all my hard working students receiving their fruit today of all these years of hard work! I wish everyone of you a really great life and moments ahead where you keep working hard and keep exceeding in your life! Congratulations students!" Said our head of the univeristy allowing us to finally throw our graduation caps in the air.

I honestly was at loss of words for losing contact with all these lovely people I met here and yet great my life journey has been till now!

After our dinner party, every one of us were busy taking pictures with each other. And slowly, as time went by everyone started dispersing from the ceremony going back to their home with tears filled in their eyes, and so did I.

It was late at night already, so my dad had come to pick me up from my univeristy.

"Dad!" I said as I ran towards him happily.

"Wow my daughter finally graduated from the university! So how was the ceremony?" He asked as he hugged me welcoming me in his warm arms.

"It was just as the same farewells I had after passing out of high school and college dad. But it was still amazing as the people here were different haha!" I said as I smiled at him.

"I'm pleased to hear that! Get in the car, let's talk more after we reach home back. It's cold here. Your elder sister and your mum are alone too at home" responded my dad.

"Wait! Prakruti sister is back ?!" I questioned out of joy.

"Yeah, she reached home back few hours back! You might have missed her a lot, let's quickly go and meet her!" replied dad happily as he sat inside the car.

"Ofcourse dad! She was away for her job for so such a long time and she came back now! I am so excited to see her!" I said as I hopped inside the car and my dad started driving.

While dad was driving back to home suddenly our car started getting slow. And my dad parked the car on a side of the road to check what problem was causing the car act so.

"Dad, what's wrong?" I asked as I saw my dad getting up from his seat and looking around the car.

"Ah I'm sorry Aisha. I guess we need to change the tyre of the front right side" he responded.

"Ah no problem dad. Should I help you?" I asked offering my small help since I had no knowledge about changing the tyre of a car. Haha.. *Awkward laugh*

"Ah no, I'll do it myself Aisha. Just pass me the equipments under your seat" said my dad.

"Ah okay" I said as I passed him the tools.

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