Who ?

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It was a bright morning, as I discovered the hope for a good day in me, I had to get ready. I choose something casual to wear today, a torn jeans with a white turtleneck top and a cream color of woolen jacket. As I put my hair in a half pony tail, I left my flat and went to start my cafe. After the fresh start of my morning as usual, I reached my cafe and set up everything that was needed before putting the open board outside the cafe.

I was cleaning the tables when someone came in, I turned my head towards the voice,

"Aisha sister! I'm here!" Said a girl with two small pony tails, with bangs almost covering her eyes. She had a pink school bag with her, and wore a cute silly smile on her face.

"Hee Jin! Good morning! I'm glad to see you" I said smiling brightly at her.

"Did you sleep well sister?" She asked me.

"Oh yes dear, how about you? Did you reach safely yesterday?" I responded.

"Yes yes, I did sister. Ah and I'm here to return you the documents you gave me yesterday, I've filled them up. And I have told about this to my parents too and they are happy that I'll be finally working a little haha!" She said while handing me the documents, covering her mouth shyly trying to hold back her cute little giggles.

"Oh thank you Hee Jin, I'm looking forward for your hard work" I said smiling at her.

"Yes Aisha sister, I'll work hard. I'm anticipating to work with you too, and sister I will come here directly after my school hours. Around four or five in the evening? I'll see you later then sister, I'm running late to school. I came here to give you the documents" she said while holding the cafe door and waiting for my response.

"Sure lovely, go off to school now. Have a nice day at school. Bye!" I replied and she left the cafe.

'Though Hee Jin is gonna work with me now, she arrives to work only in evening hours. Until then it's just only me. I have to look for more workers' I thought.

As time was passing, customers were making their way towards the cafe. And for sure at this point my cafe was running good but it was all stressful and tiring for me to handle it all on my own but I somehow managed until Hee Jin got back from her school.

"Sister! I'm here! Woah there are so many people here already!" She exclaimed while placing her bag on a side of a table while holding her half sucked orange lollipop in her hands.

"Ah yea! Thank God you are here Hee Jin. I was worried how I would manage everything on my own!" I said while sighing out loudly as I went to her and spoke again saying,

"Here is your apron, let's get to work sweetie!"

"Yes, sister!" She took the apron and made her way towards the kitchen with her little run.

Types of voices were filled in the cafe, some talking on phone calls, some chit chatting, me taking the orders and helping Hee Jin in kitchen, people calling me out for the bills, it felt like a pleasing tensed up mess for me because I felt happy to see so many people in cafe but sadly I wished I had more people to help me..

Eventually people started to become less in number as the closing time was near. Soon the cafe fell in the silence again leaving only with me and Hee Jin communicating with each other.

"Thank you for your hard work today Hee Jin" I said as I brought a cup of mocha for her.

"Wow! Sister you are the best! Thank you too!" She said excitedly while taking the cup from my hands and sipping it.

"Ah a cup of mocha seems so better after hard work sister!" She said.

"Haha I know right!" I replied to her as I was foundly looking at her, we both heard a voice,

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