08 . heart to hearts

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After an hour, Martha had crashed and was curled up on the sand fast asleep, Marley beside her stroking her hair gently as Toni abruptly got up and moved to sit by Fatin.

"Fuck." Toni breathed out as Fatin looked over at her, amused.

"How's your BFF?" Fatin asked in a sarcastic tone as Marley couldn't help but try to listen in from where she sat even though she couldn't hear very well at the best of times and the distance didn't help, so really she just zoned out watching the way Toni sat, the way she moved, the way she spoke.

"You mean Martha? Sleeping off her pill bender." Toni replied shortly.

"Hm, interesting how you didn't think of Marley. The two of you are cute together I won't even lie." Fatin retorted.

"The fuck are you talking about?" Toni snapped, more nervous than angry.

"I mean I can spot sexual tension when I see it. Besides, I know the two of you used to date and I saw how close you've been getting the few days we've been here so there's no point denying it." Fatin simply shrugged, a teasing smile on her face as the two turned back to Marley, whose eyes widened slightly in surprise before she made her way over.

"What are you two yapping on about?" she asked, sitting on Fatin's other side and bringing her knees to her chest.

"Just Toni's jealousy towards Martha and Shelby's budding friendship." Fatin teased, earning a smile from Marley and a glare from Toni, the latter's eyes glued to Marley. "I take it you had a domestic." Fatin asked, clearly not actually caring about the answer as she continued to flip through Leah's book. 

"I don't want to talk about it." was Toni's reply, though the two girls knew as they shared a look that the best thing for her to do would be to vent and let out all her feelings and tensions - for everyone's sake. "I could be bleeding right," Toni blurted out, Fatin nodding to herself as she closed the book and turned to face the tense girl as Marley watched on, worried for Toni. "I could be bleeding my guts out all over the street but as soon as Shelby turned up she would leave me for dead."

"Oh my god, you see, this is why I don't get tight with girls. All the fucking unnecessary drama and the tensions and the jealousy and the petty fucking revenge schemes." Fatin spoke, earning a small laugh from Marley.

"All Martha's doing is being strung along. Shelby's just hanging with her long enough to be able to add "saving a little res girl" to her fucking college applications. So I'm not being petty. I'm just looking out for my best friends. Marley fucking agrees." The two turned to face Marley expectantly.

"I mean, it makes sense. She's one of those popular girls who has a shit load of money, does all these fucking pageants and drops people as soon as possible as long as it benefits her. You can't convince me that isn't true." Marley admitted, earning a surprised look from Fatin and a proud one from Toni.

"Are you an Aries?" Fatin blurted out, turning back to Toni.

"What?" Toni snapped, confused. "Who the fuck even cares?" And with that, Toni stood up and stormed off, out of sight. 

"Well that was a short conversation," said Fatin, an amused look on her face as she went back to reading through Leah's book.

"Yeah, that's what she's like," Marley said, standing up. "I'll be back." Kissing the top of Fatin's head, earning a surprised but happy look from the girl, she followed the direction that Toni had disappeared in. 


After spotting Toni laying in the sand, eyes closed, Marley cautiously made her way over. 

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