01 . the island

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Marley woke up alone, face first in the sand, her feet touching the water as it lapped onto the shore. She stood up quickly, brushing the sand out her hair and looked around, hoping to see anyone else from the plane.

She spotted Toni laying on her back in the sand only a few feet away and rushed to her side. "Toni? Toni wake up!" she shouted, sitting on her knees and bringing Toni more onto her lap, breathing out in relief as she saw the girl coming to her senses. 


"Yeah, Toni, it's me, you think you're alright to get up?" after gaining a nod from the girl, she helped her to stand, holding back her hair as she coughed up what looked like blood onto the sand.

"Where's Martha?"

"I don't know, you're the first person I found, I'm glad you're okay though." Marley said, earning a small smile from Toni, which is a sight rarely seen.

"Yeah, I'm glad you're okay too," Toni replied as the pair made their way to find the others, hand in hand, seeking comfort in each other's presence.


The pair walked round for around ten minutes when they heard screams coming from the water - it was Leah trying to keep herself and Jeanette afloat. 

"I can't I need some help!" she screamed as the pair and a newfound Dot went running over, taking Jeanette whilst Marley helped Leah to stand. 

"Is there anyone else? Did you see anyone else?" Toni asked Leah, helping Dot get Jeanette out the water.

"No no I I didn't see anybody I'm sorry." Leah replied. 

"Toni," Marley called, gaining her attention, and pointing in the direction of two figures on the shore, "Toni, she's there. I'll help here you make sure Martha's alright." she said, switching positions with Toni.

"Are you sure?" Toni asked, putting her hand on her shoulder.

"Yeah you go, make sure she's alright," Marley replied, giving her a small smile, watching as Toni ran over to Martha. "Let's get these two away from the water."


"Shit she's not breathing," Marley said, leaning over Jeanette's mouth to try and hear breath sounds as Dot started compressions, the others making their way over. 

"Guys she isn't breathing!" Dot shouted out so that Toni, Martha and Shelby could hear. 

"Dot you need to slow down otherwise it'll be ineffective." Marley said, watching as Dot slowed down a little. "Still too fast Dot."

"Then why don't you do it?" Dot snapped, exhausted. Marley didn't take it to heart considering the situation they had been dropped in, simply taking over from Dot's position, timing and counting the compressions as the other girls watched on bewildered. Marley stopped after hearing the girl below her take in a breath, watching as her eyes fluttered open. At this, Marley stood up, hands shaking and walked away from the group, sitting by the rocks with her knees to her chest.


Martha and Toni exchanged glances between themselves and towards their friend, with Toni eventually making her way over to the girl and sitting beside her, their shoulders brushing. 

"This is going to be a really fucking dumb question but how are you doing?" Toni asked, worry glinting behind her eyes.

"She almost died, Toni," Marley uttered.

"But you saved her Mar, you did." Toni replied. 

"Is Martha okay?"

"Yeah just a sprained ankle, she'll be okay," Toni replied, "Come on we should go and sit with the others."

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