you and jennifer

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TW: suicide,drugs

A/N: this story is inspired by the song 'you and jennifer' so i would recommend listening to the song while reading this.

y/n pov:

billie and i have been dating for three months, our relationship has been so strong for the last two months but we've been drifting away from each other ever since she met jennifer. i always thought of her as a nice girl. they met during one of billie's meet and greets and they exchanged numbers. but as they've talked more, billie's had less time for me, we've been hanging out less, going on less dates and i can't even remember the last time billie and i had a proper conversation. we used to talk all the time about our future together, our future family, our future house with white picket fences. ever since she met jennifer she's changed so much.

billie promised to go on a date with me tonight at our favourite restaurant but she hasn't shown up yet. i've been texting her for an hour now asking where she was. i decide to call her and she actually picks up.

y/n: billie where are you?

billie: uh.. i've been having some family troubles, pepper's got sick.

that's a lie. i can hear faint music in the background and someone whispering in her ear and i can tell it's jennifer.

fuck you and jennifer i know that you're out with her

y/n: billie you promised to have dinner with me at our favourite restaurant!

billie: shit i completely forgot i'm so sorry y/n.

y/n: i can't fucking believe you billie! you never have time for me anymore you're always with that bitch jennifer. i know you're with her right now!

go pretend that you're just friends, i'll pretend that i'm not hurt.

billie: what i'm not out with her y/n!

another lie. does she really think i'm that dumb?

y/n: keep pretending that you're just friends, it doesn't hurt me. you could at least tell me you weren't in love with me anymore! i would be a lot less heartbroken! 

i know all the shit i heard, you can take these bitter words.

billie: y/n what do you mean? jennifer and i ARE just friends, where are you getting this from?

y/n: i know you guys aren't. i've been sent dms from YOUR fans with pictures of you making out with her! i've heard so much shit you can handle a few words.

fuck you and jennifer, go fucking make love to her.

billie: baby, you know i wouldn't  cheat on you. ever!

y/n: if you aren't cheating what are you doing with her?

all i heard was silence on the other side.

y/n: fuck you billie. fuck you and jennifer. go fucking make love with her! i'm done with your bullshit. we're over. don't think about crawling to my apartment begging for me back. have fun with her you cheating bitch!

i hung up on billie before she could say anything and forgot about being in public. i look up from my phone and everyone was staring in my direction. i picked up my water and drank the last of it before getting up to leave. i got in my car and started crying, resting my head on the steering wheel. i pulled myself together and started to drive home in the rain.

once i got home, i ran straight to my room and started to cry more while ripping the pictures billie and i had taken together. i stopped when i found the picture we took on our first date together and hugged it close to my chest. i let a tear slip onto it before ripping it in half. i walked to my bathroom looking in the mirror. i looked like a mess, mascara smudged on my face. i opened the cabinet and got out some antidepressants. i opened up to billie about my struggles with depression and suicide but as much as she acted like she cared and listened, she never did anything to help me feel wanted. i poured the pills into my shaky hand not counting how many were there and shoved them all into my mouth. i got the cup by my sink, filling it up with water and drank some to help me swallow.

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