Chapter Eleven - Among The Monsters

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As the Predators began to close in on the group, they continued to move through the jungle in search for sanctuary. 

Starling: What's the plan, Hunter?!

Hunter: Just keep running! We have to keep moving!

As Hunter led the group through the jungle, plasma shots were fired from the trees. Azula began to se her Firebending to throw fireballs into the trees. During the chaos, a plasma shot hits the ground in front of Azula. The blast knocks her on her back. As Azula recovers, something in her snaps. For all her life, Azula always had control. Whether it was over her brother Zuko or her place as Princess of the Fire Nation, Azula always had control. But ever since she was thrown into this world, that sense of control was taken away from her. The lack of control she had over her situation took it's toll on her. As she got up, Azula began to breath heavily. 

Azula: NO! 

In that moment, Azula had lost it. She screamed as she began for throw fireballs across the jungle in a frenzied rage. Hunter and Starling quickly noticed Azula's mental breakdown. 

Hunter: Azula! What the hell are you doing?! We have to keep moving! 

In her frenzied rage, Azula threw fireballs towards Hunter, but Starling pushed him out of the way. Azula then continued throwing fireballs into the jungle, setting it ablaze. As Hunter and Starling recovered from the attack, they could see the Predators moving in on Azula. She then glanced over to see Riddick running ahead.

Starling: Azula's keeping the Yautja occupied! Riddick's running! We have to go! 

Starling helped Hunter up as the two went after Riddick. Meanwhile, Azula continued to burn Predators alive in her frenzied rage. One of the Predators then threw a Combi Stick which impales Azula through the stomach. Despite this injury, Azula continued to use her Firebending to attack the Predators. She soon began roaring out blue flames as the jungle burned around her. 


Azula then began to perform Lightning Generation. In a desperate act of madness, Azula unleashed a powerful lightning strike and redirected it a herself. Azula screams in manic laughter as the lightning struck the ground, creating a mild but violent explosion. Azula and several Predators were killed in the explosion. The explosion left a scar in the area. Meanwhile, Hunter and Starling caught up with Riddick. Before they could confront Riddick, they could feel the shockwave of the explosion caused by Azula's lightning. While Hunter and Starling were in shock, Riddick simply kept walking. Hunter was quick to pull out a blaster pistol at Riddick. 

Hunter: Where do you think you're going, Riddick? 

As Hunter held Riddick up at gunpoint, Riddick chuckled as he held hands in the air. In a split second, Riddick turned around and disarmed Hunter. He then raised one of his Ulaks at Hunter's throat. Starling soon raised the DC-15A Carbine at Riddick's head. 

Starling: Let him go! 

Riddick: Do you even know why you're here? Why we're all here? 

Hunter: Enlighten us. 

Riddick: It's cause we're just like them. Hunters. Killers. Monsters. They brought us here because we're the best killers and monsters around. 

Riddick tightly gripped his Ulak as he held it closer to Hunter's throat. All it would take is a flick of his wrist and Hunter would be dead. However, Riddick simply chuckled as he lets Hunter go. Riddick then gets up and starts walking away. 

Riddick: We're right at home among the monsters. This is where we belong. 

Starling: You really think so?

Riddick: I've killed more people than I can count. I've been sent to over a hundred slams where they say I'll never see daylight. Yet here I am. There are bad days, and then there are legendary bad days. This was shaping up to be one of those. Whole damn planet wanted a piece of me. Can't stay in the open. Can't risk another attack. It's always the punch you don't see coming that puts you down. But why didn't I see it? But why didn't I see it? Of course they were gonna try and kill me. Death is what they do for a living. So the question ain't "What happened?" The question is "What happened to me?" We belong with them. We belong with the monsters. 

As Riddick said this, he began walking away. He soon disappeared into the jungle. As Riddick did, Hunter began to feel several electromagnetic signals coming towards them. 

Hunter: We need to keep moving! 

With that, Hunter and Starling began running further into the jungle in an attempt to escape the Predators. Soon enough, they came across the edge of a great waterfall. Hunter looked over behind him and could feel the electromagnetic signals getting closer. He then looked down to the water below as Starling prepared her DC-15A Carbine. 

Hunter: Save your ammo, Starling! We have to jump!

Starling: Are you sure that's a good idea, sergeant?!

Hunter: It's either that or we make a last stand! This is our best chance! 

Left with no other choice, Hunter and Starling jumped off the cliff into the waters below. The Elite Predator and the rest of the Predators soon reached the cliff. The Elite Predator soon scans for heat signatures and sees two swimming to shore. As one of the Predators was about to fire on them, the Elite Predator stops him. He then gestures the Predators to follow him as Hunter and Starling swam for what seemed to be sanctuary. 

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