Chapter Five - Hunter & Hunted

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After Tech's death, the Bad Batch buried Tech in a forest clearing. As they bury Tech, Hunter grabs a stick and sticks in the ground behind Tech's grave. He then places Tech's Clone helmet on the stick. 

Hunter: I'm sorry, Tech....

After the Bad Batch took a moment to mourn their fallen comrade, they met up with the rest of the group as they continued to move through the forest. As they did, the Imakandi began to quietly mutter an ancient prayer. This quickly annoys Revy. 

Revy: Can you cut that out?! You're starting to piss me off! 

Imakandi: I am preparing for death at the hands of the Yautja. It is customary of the Imakandi to speak these words as to prepare ourselves not only of death, but the journey to the afterlife. 

Azula: I have no intentions of dying. I decide when I die. Not these Yautja. 

Imakandi: That choice is not yours, Firebender. That choice is up to fate. We were all dead the moment the Yautja chose us. We have been given the highest honor to be hunted on their homeworld. 

Wrecker: When I get my fucking hands on them, they're gonna wish they never chose us to hunt! 

Hunter: Easy there, Wrecker. We'll get our payback for Tech, but we gotta keep our cool. We can't let the Yautja get the jump on us. 

Starling: What's the plan, Hunter? 

Hunter: Whatever the Yautja are, they got energy and projectile based weapons. They also utilize some kind of cloaking device. If what the Imakandi said is correct, then we're on their home turf. So there's more of them than us. But we're not gonna play their game. We're gonna make them play by ours.

Riddick: Sounds easier said than done, soldier boy. These things don't play like you.

Hunter: That's why we play it smart. They brought us all here somehow. If we can find out how, then we can get off this rock.


At that point, Hunter made it clear that escape was the best option as well as survival. 

Crosshair: Finding a ship won't be easy. The Yautja are probably scouting us as we speak. 

Hunter: Good. We're taking some of them with us. For Tech.

Wrecker: For Tech.

Crosshair: For Tech.

As the Bad Batch said this, Starling saw similarities between herself and the Bad Batch. She knew first hand of what it was like to lose a comrade. She remembered how she lost the Interceptors at the hands of Repton and the Raptors. Hunter soon began to use his enhanced senses to pick up any nearby electromagnetic signals. 

Hunter: Let's move out.

Hunter began leading the group through the forest. As they did, they came across a group of skinned corpses hanging upside down on trees. Seeing this stunned the group with the exception of Riddick and the Imakandi.

Revy: Talk about a hell of a way to go. 

Imakandi: They have been claimed by the Yautja. These are their trophies. 

Hunter: Let's make sure we don't join them. 

The group soon moved forward as they were being stalked by the Predators. Soon enough, they reach the ruins of an ancient temple. 

Imakandi: This is one of their sacred temples. 

Hunter: Looks like a good place to rest up. We'll form up a defensive position around this temple. Crosshair. Head up to the top of the temple and set up a sniping position.  

Crosshair: Affirmative. 

Crosshair then made his way to the top of the temple and sets up a sniping position. He readied his 773 Firepuncher Sniper Rifle and kept an eye for any movements.

Hunter: Crosshair's gonna need some eyes on the ground. 

Hunter eyes Krieg, but immediately backs down of making him the lookout on the ground. He then turns to Azula. 

Hunter: You. You're gonna keep watch.

Azula: I don't take orders from a common soldier! 

Hunter: I don't care what you think. I won't have you putting the lives of my men at risk because of your entitlement. If you don't like it, there's the door. 

Azula was tempted to attack Hunter, but she saw Hunter as a means for her own survival. For now, Azula would go along with Hunter's orders as she began watching the treeline. As the rest of the group began to settle in the temple, Starling met up with Hunter.

Starling: How are you holding up?

Hunter: I'm fine. It's Wrecker I'm worried about. Ever since Tech died, Wrecker's been on edge. I'm afraid he's gonna do something reckless.

Starling: I don't blame him. Losing a comrade is never easy.

Hunter: We were bred for war. It's why were were created. We just happened to be born with...desirable mutations. 

Upon hearing this, Starling was confused.

Hunter: Tech was good with technology. Wrecker's stronger than any regular Clone. Crosshair has exceptional eyesight, hence why he's a sniper. As for me, I can detect and pinpoint electromagnetic signals. 

As Hunter and Starling conversed, the Imakandi sat in mediation. 

Imakandi: I swear on the honor of my ancestors that I shall meet my end with a steady heart and a clear mind. I shall face the Yautja in an honorable hunt. By the light of the Moon and by the spirit of the Imakandi, I shall face my fate with honor. 

In that moment, the Imakandi prepared for his death as the group prepared for another attack from the Predators. 

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