Jack Brewer

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"Hi Jack!" I say happily setting down my backpack, the two of us were meeting at Falafel Phil's so that I could help him with his math homework, "You ready for math time?!"

"I'll never understand how you can be so excited about math," Jack says groaning softly as he pulled out his math notebook

"Oh it's fake, I'm just trying to lighten the mood," I say laughing as I slide into the booth across from him, "No one likes math, only weirdos. So how's your day going?" 

"Oh you know the usual, boring classes, did some practice at dojo and now I'm here," he says shrugging

"Yup now you get to spend time with little old me and our good friend algebra," I say laughing flipping to the correct page in my notebook, "Pencils out."  

Jack POV

"Pencils out," Y/N says smiling widely signaling me to flip to today's lesson in my math notebook, the two of us began working in a comfortable rhythm working silently. As time when on Y/N would occasionally check in with me making sure that I didn't need any help. When I did she always took her time explaining it being sweet and clear, and that's when I started noticing it. The way that she smiled along with me when I finally figured something out, how she would always brush her long H/C hair out of her face before helping me, how cute her laugh was when I managed to make her laugh. 

Oh my god! I was crushing on Y/N, this isn't good. Feeling suddenly hot I started playing with the collar of my shirt trying to get some more air.

"Jack you okay?" she asks softly reaching over to grab my arm, "Do you need some water?"

"No I'm good," I stutter feeling suddenly awkward around her

"You sure you don't look good?" she asks

"Yeah I'm fine, but I think I'm gonna go," I say collecting my homework and throwing it into my arms

"Oh okay," she says softly, "I'll see you at school I guess."

"Yeah see ya," I say before rushing out of the restaurant, feeling panicked. This wasn't supposed to happen, I was in trouble. 

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