Chapter 2: A Talk With Alpha Joshua and School Talk ?

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Qick note: when written like this, it's the wolf to talking to her , when written like this , it's the host talking to the wolf, when written like this other people talking plus the characters though and when it's like this it's them talking throught the mind link. Enjoy.

Alpha Joshua, Can I talk to you for a minute ?" I asked as I knocked softly on his doors. I heard shuffling until a voice grumbled a small 'come in'. I entered and looked at Alpha Joshua. He looked exhausted, He had bags under his eyes, he looked ready to pass out any second. His mate looked no better. She still looked beautiful no doubt but just tired, And of course me being me i voiced my opinion. " wow. you guys look terrible." The Luna looked at me with a sweet smile. She can never ever really be mean to me. I tried everything but nothing. "Just stress with the pack. Now you wanted to speak to us ?" I nodded my head looked at Alpha Joshua." I came here to apologies for last night. I unintentionally let my wolf take over me. I also wanted to know if can help out with the pups today." I told Alpha Joshua as bowed my head slightly. I really did feel bad but doing what he did will make anyone go mad like I did. Well anyone with the Moon goddess as their wolf would. " Well the pups are actually away in a school camping trip but will be back tonight. But our 3 year old twins will be here any minute from their visit to their grandmother's. you think you handle that until we finish our work." The luna spoke with such a tired voice i wanted to say I'll take over everything but I knew I couldn't. " Yea sure. I love pups. I said with a sincere smile. " I use to help out with the pups back at my pack." I stayed smiling while i thought about my two favorite pups. Juliette with her silky blonde hair and sky blue eyes would always cheer me up once i came home from school, And then there was Andrew With his soft brown hair and matching brown eyes would always make me laugh when i cried. They lost their parents when they were only babies. Andrew's parents died in an awful war that happen only five years ago. Juliette's parents died in a rouge attack 3 years ago. " I actually needed to talk to you and your two friends Awilda and Vanessa. Can you mind link them ?" He asked as he rubbed his face with his hand. "girls come to the Alpha's office. He needs to talk to us"

"they should be here any minute now." i tell them as i noticed that their son does not help them with their work. "Why doesn't your son help with work around here ?" I ask them as the girls walk in. "He won't do anything until he is Alpha." Caroline tells me. My father would be pissed if me or my siblings ever said that. "You should tell him that this is preparing him for what's to come for when he becomes Alpha. That's what my father and mother told us when we complained about what they gave us to do." I told them as sat on the couch near his desk. "Maybe we should tell him that honey. It will definitely relief some stress for both us." Alpha Joshua said to Caroline as he put down the paperwork. "I need a favor from you guys. I know you girls do not want to attend the same high school as the boys but what the boys don't know is that while the Warriors are protecting you girls, you will be making sure they do not ruin your packs reputation along with this one." He told us. I wanted to that i refused but I noticed all of the paperwork they had to do and the twins that they have to take care of and with no help from Nikolai or the future beta and third in command, I just couldn't say no. "ok. but I have a condition. we get to pick 3 of our 8 classes." I told him as the twin ran through the door. "Mommy Chris wasn't nice to me when we were in school." the female twin said.

" Aren't they precious? they were hoping they would get another kid. they kept praying to me each and every night, so in return i gave them two. they were so happy when they found out." My wolf explained and i kinda noticed it when they twins came by, both of their eyes lit up instantly. "tell you guys what, the girls and I will take over and you guys can hang with the twins." I told them and the girls nodded "I don't know girls. Can i trust you guys enough?" he said with a sarcastic smile. "of course you can Alpha Joshua, we took over most of Alpha Jonathan's work and my fathers work Along with Vanessa's father." Awilda said with a proud smirk. Caroline picked up who I'm guessing is Chris while she nodded her head and Joshua pick the girl up. "I'll send my beta to tell you the difference between our packs. Good luck." He said and walked out. "now we won't be bored. by the way i love your outfit guys." Vanessa said as she sat down on the right corner of the desk and fluffed and blue tutu. Awilda sat on the left corner of the desk and crossed her legs "thanks." I sat right on the Alpha's seat since I'm filling in for him. "Thanks now be professionals, the beta is coming" I looked through some of the paperwork and noticed it was almost the same thing as my fathers just a little different in some places. I looked once the Beta entered. " i see you got comfortable. all of you." he said as he looked at Awilda who was scribbling away on a pack of paperwork she picked up and then at Vanessa who was having a conversation with of the neighboring alphas about border patrol. "Yea it's almost like doing it for my father. just some differences that we seemed to have picked up and learned quickly." I said while smiling shyly. "Thats good then. one more thing the Alpha's son is gonna come in here with the future beta and third in command to complain about something they made up. think you can handle that?" He said as he backed up to the door with a small smirk. "I'm aloud to be harsh ?" I said with a smirk as well. "of course especially with Luther." he then left and we got to work.

~ 2 hours later~

"Alpha Jacobs and his Beta Eric will be here tomorrow at 2:15 for that meeting we set up." Vanessa said as she wrote it down in her new agenda. I nodded and looked at Awilda. "Beta Miguel will be here at 4:15 for the Meeting we also set up. He is stepping up for Alpha Robert since he is not well and his son is only 8 years old." Awilda said as she wrote it down on her new agenda. I nodded and cleared those paper works out of the way. " Ok now we got Lunar eclipse pack, Dark moon pack and Charmed pack to-" I was cut off by the door being slammed open by three very furious boys. I didn't even pay attention to them and continued on with what I was saying. "deal with. they want part of Alpha Joshua's land but we can't give that away so we will-" I was again interrupted by three furious growls from the boys. the seriously need to learn some manners. "then showed them some" My wolf then showed me a picture of what I could with just a flick of my wrist. I smirked and flicked my wrist. "Interrupt me one more time and the next time your flying out the window. now like I was saying, we will use our little charms on Tuesday at the meadow nearby to make a different agreement. Can you guys call them and make the arrangement while i deal with those three." They nodded and went to the other side of the room.

"Now you guys can speak." I said as i looked through more paperwork that need Alpha Joshua's signature and put them in the folder next to me. "Where is our parents?" who I'm guessing is the third in command. I looked straight at him. "they are taking a well deserved break from all of their work." I told him with a glare. he bowed his head and whimpered. I went back to looking through the paperwork. "why are you sitting in Alpha's-" He was cut off by Edward, an omega who has been bringing the folders to the Alpha, beta and third for me. "Anything else ?" Edward asked as he picked up the folder. "this time yes. can you tell the Alpha and Luna that the pups will be staying another day at the filed trip ?" I told him with a sweet smile. He nodded his head, bowed his head to me and then left. "and im here because i offered to the job you guys refuse to do." I told who I'm guessing is Luther. "Do you want to scare him ?" My wolf asked me "Yea, after all the beta gave me permission." She showed me a flash of what i can do with my eyes. I decided to go with red eyes. "I told him there is no point of me doing something he can do." He finished with his remark and the boys gave him a high five. I looked straight at Luther. " The point is for you to be ready to take on the task and without worrying your father." Both him and the third bowed their head in submission and whimpered loudly. "They agreed on the meeting spot and meeting time." Awilda said as she signed the paper, she then passed it to Vanessa who also signed them to me. I signed and put it in the folder that Edward brought back. "Why do you care of what happens to our parents ? They're our parents." Nikkolai said in a very cocky voice. "because unlike you we notice that your siblings need-" I stopped talking once i looked him in the eyes. the world stopped spinning right then and there. Oh no not him. I looked away and continued like that never happened. "them after you guys take over, but if they stress over all this work they won't live long." Once i finished that sentence the Alpha walked and took the boys out then came back in. "What happened in here ? he asked worriedly. "Mate" was all that we could say

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