A new pup ?

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After a while all the girls plus Edward was here. "Want to tell us what happened ?" Asked Edward as he opened a bag of chips and plopped down inside our little fort of pillows and blankets. "We might have overreacted to what happened but the pain that it caused was painful." Awilda told them. It's true. we just might have overreacted but the pain was extremely painful. "Marcy I have to the Alpha is looking for some of his omegas and i'm one of them." He gives Marcy a kiss and a hug good bye. "Goodbye future Luna." He bows his head and leaves. "You're so lucky to have a mate who cares for you as much as he does." Vanessa said as she grabbed her favorite pillow and cuddles it. "Your mates have a difficulty expressing themselves. I remember when Nikkolai had a crush on some girl, but she found her mate. He was a mess, he couldn't even say hi to her." Marcy said as she giggled. I smiled at the thought of Nikkolai a mess. "I remember when Penelope had a crush on my older brother. She was terrible mess. She wouldn't come to my house. After a month or so she came to my house and found him drunk in the front porch, that ended her crush. She hates people who drink to much." Awilda said. We all started giggling.

I grabbed a tub of mint chocolate chip ice cream and a spoon. Once i opened the lid i dug in. Mint chocolate is my favorite ice cream. "I see Edward did his research." I said and giggled. There was a knock on the door. "Who is it ?" i asked as I had another spoonful of ice cream, I let out a delighted moan. Soon after my moan my door was broken down and a furious Nikkolai stepped through. I angrily pouted at him "What is your problem ?" I asked him while putting my tub of ice cream down and standing up. My shortness was nothing compared to his tallness. "what was that i heard ?" He growled out. He must be talking about my moan. All the girls started giggling again. "well ? are you going to answer me ?" He said waiting for us to stopped giggling. "Well if you must know, i was enjoying a tub of my favorite ice cream before you barged through my door." I told him. I looked at where my door use to be. I pouted and walked towards the remains. My door was pearl white with a glass window on the very top. I looked at what was left of it. Poor door. It was handcrafted by my late aunt. I let some tears fall. She made it specifically for me and my wolf. "It was only a door. I can get it fixed." He said like it was nothing. the girls gasped and tried to pull him behind them cover him for whats to come. "just a door ? JUST A FUCKING DOOR." Once my voice grew in tone the room shook. "it might have been just a door to you, but to me, it was a present specially crafted for me by Auntie Mel. It was made to to signify the trust, the loyalty and love between My mate and Me." I told him with a heartbroken voice. "But i guess you don't care about a door that meant everything to your mate." I walked out of the room, I walked out of the house. I kept walking until i was at the border.

It's been three hours. I've learned to cover my tracks and my smell. I've been paying with the water molecules of the leaves on the tree. I seen an baby wolf trudging close to the border. I noticed how dark his fur was. it was almost black. My eyes widened, I jumped of the tree and rushed to him. He panicked and tried to run but he fell. I walked closer and picked him up. I guess he felt that i wasn't going to hurt and shifted back. He was an adorable three year old. He almost looked like me with almond shaped green eyes and dark hair. I hugged him closer to keep him warm since it was late. I started to make my way back to the house while hiding my tracks and both mine and the boys scent. I made it back to see Nikkolai with some of the pack members. one of the omegas pointed at me. Nikkolai turned and looked relieve. but once he seen the blood he panicked. He used Alpha speed to get to me. "Are you o-. who is that ?" He asked confused. " I don't know i found him like this. Can you be Alpha for one night and call all the packs that are on your fathers desk and ask if they are missing a 3 year old boy with green eyes and dark hair." I asked him. He nodded and made his way to the office and I made my way the pack hospital. It wasn't big. just a 3 story house with medical assistants and a few doctors.

Once I got there i walked in and set the Boy down. One of the nurses rushed to me and asked questions as she checked him. I answered her and I answered her. " He will be fine. His injuries are healing quick. seems to be an alphas son. Nothing broken." She smiled and walked away. I sat down on the chair and waited for him to wake up.

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