why them part 2

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After we cleaned the small mess we made in Alpha Joshua's office we locked the door and headed to our rooms with the boxes. Once i got in my room I headed for the bathroom and turned the shower on. As I waited for the water to warm up i opened the box. I was in shock. If the boys were the ones who got the swim suit I will be impressed. I've been looking for this galaxy bikini since I can remember. I smiled and romoved my clothing once the shower was warm enough. I washed my hair with my favorite strawberry cream shampoo and conditioner. I then washed my my body with my jade and lavander body wash.

Once i finished my quick shower I put on the bikini and walk out of the bathroom with the rest of the stuff. Once I walked out my bathroom i see Nikkolai sitting on my bed. I looked at the clock on my bedside table and noticed that it has been an hour. "I'm soooo sorry. I didnt think I was gonna take thay long in the shower." I tell him as I walk over to him and put the box beside and hugged him. " Its ok. I see you liked the bikini." He said as he hugged me back. He grabbed the cover up and put it on me. "Ok come on. The guys are waitinf with the girls." he grabbed me threw over his shoulder and grabbed my necklace and my flip flops. He ran down the stairs.

Once we got outside I seen the girls and their swim suits were cute too. Awilda was wearing a black strapless bikini with gold studs around the breast area, an orange-y red cover up with red flip flops. Vanessa was wearing teal halter type bikini with a black triangle sorong and teal flip flops. "Hey girls. Do you want to help me ? please." I tell them as Nikkolai puts me on his other shoulder. The girls just stand there and giggle at us.I groan because im starting to get a headache from the blood rushing to my head.The girls notice this. "Nikkolai i think you should put her down.".

He puts me down and walks to the boys who have their heads bowed down. "Hey guys, dont let that moment in the office get to you. I was just mad that you guys aren't taking your positions serioulsy." I tell the boys with a small and tired smile. The boys looked up and nodded their heads. " Hello Luna. Im Matthew Collins, future third in command." Matthew introduced himself. He wasnt bad looking. He had crystal blue eyes. Thats what caught my attention out of everything else. "Luna, I'm Luther Kingsley, future beta." Luther introduced himself as well. He had such a baby face. "Dont call me Luna. It makes me sound old and responsible." I tell them as I pull a face. They all start laughing and I join them.

While we continued to laugh. The boys were tackled by three girls about our age. The girls and I stop laughing and looked at them. We looked away and started walking to the pool. Once we got there we went to the most secluded part of it. We took cover ups and sorongs and dove right in. We didnt speak we just swam until the boys arrived. They tried to get our attention but we just swam throught the waterfall like thing and sat behind it. " Why them ?" Vanessa was the one to answer. Awilda and I looked at her with heartbroken looks. "I don't know." was both of our response. We stayed there until the guys gaved up. Once we were sure they left we got out from behind the waterfall and out of the pool and headed back to the pack house. " Want to sleep in my room tonight. Its the biggest out of ours" I asked them. They nodded their heads we separated so we can shower again get our clothes and settle in my room. I noticed Edward and his mate Marcy. They looked at me and looked shocked. " Luna are you ok ?" Marcy asked. I tried to muster a smile but all that came out was a small heartbroken whimper. her eyes widen and looked up at Edward. " Go to the store and but lots and lots of ben and jerrys ice cream and movies and meet us in her room afterwards." she told him as she grabbed my arm and dragged me into my room.

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