Chapter 1: My wolf is the moon goddess ?

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Qick note: when written like this, it's the wolf to talking to her , when written like this , it's the host talking to the wolf, when written like this other people talking plus the characters though and when it's like this it's them talking throught the mind link. Enjoy.

Penelope's P.O.V

"Are you ok baby sis ?" My older brother robert asked me. Of course i wasn't but i can't show him that. "Yea. i get to see Alpha Joshua. I haven't seen him since my birthday party last year." It was't a total lie. One thing I've learned while living with Robert is he can tell when you are lying. so over the years I've learn to stretch the truth just a bit. "Wait before you go, there is one thing that Jonathan forgot to mention to you guys." My Mother said as she raced toward us. " what is it Mom ?" i asked as i turned around. She truly was beautiful. She had shiny balck hair, that all my older sibilings inherited, and her gentle green eyes made her look innocent almost. "since we don't know how long you guys will be staying there, we enrolled you guys at the highschool that all the pack warriors along with the future Alpha , future Beta and future third in command attend. The Warriors are under both Alpha's order to protect you guys no matter what. we already packed your bags." My mom spoke with so much authority that it was hard to go agaisnt her words but me being me i went agaisnt them. "No, I'm not attending school there. it's already hard to go back there knowing that Nikolai will be there. I'm not going through more torture. i refuse mom." even though the last time we met was when Nikolai was 7 and i was 5, but he pulled my pigtails and through me into the snow. and even though i'm a wolf, i get sick very easily. curse you moon goddess for making me a weak yet rare wolf. "Hey I don't take my host talking me down like that." what the was that ? "it doesn't matter plus Jackson will come by every two days to make sure they are doing their jobs correctly." Well ican't really argue with her luna voice now can i ? she is truly evil, evil i tell you. who am i talking to ?

"alright lets go we are already behind scheldule by 20 minutes and you know how dad get's when his plans don't go as planned" Robert said as he walked towards the front and shifted. The other boys followed along. "Alright goodbye Luna. See you whenever we get back" Awilda Bowed her head and walked outside. she climbed on top of Kendall's wolf. his wolf was a nice red brown color with small specks of black. His mate will be pure black with small red-brown specks. " Bye Luna. hope we see each other soon." Vanessa said as she too bowed her head and walked outside. She climbed on Eric's wolf. his wolf was a nice sandy color with small red specks. His mate will be a nice red wolf with small specks with beige specks ? i can't really pinpoint Eric's wolf's color really it's weird. "Bye mom see you when i get or when you visit. if you can of course." i gave her a kiss on her cheek as i walked outside. I climbed on my brothers back. His wolf was mesmerising. His coat was completely black but his left eye there's a spot that represents his mate's color and on his right eye there is the pack symbol that every mated high ranked wolf will get. Except if you were born An Alpha's child, you automatically get it.

"well this is gonna be a long ride."

"Who are you"

"I'm your wolf. My name is Luna."

"My wolf? will i be shifting anytime soon ?" i asked her as i tightened my hold on Robert. this is all new to me.

"Yes. Once you meet our mate, you will have the symptons of a human flu for three days on the fourth day you will shift or if you wait until your 18th birthday."

"Ok. Do you know when he is near or ?

"It's hard to explain. we will be able to smell his smell him but we don't who it is until we look into his eyes. Get it ? She said as i felt her pacing around my head.

"Sis are you awake?" I hear Robert tell me as he slows down. I look up to notice we are almost at Alpha Joshua's pack. there are three omega wolfs waiting for us there.

"Yea. Just met my wolf that's all" I tell him as I hop off once he stops. I stretched my back. You try sitiing all hunched up because your brother doens't want to dissapoint your dad by being late. It's not exaclty comfortable. I look over to the omegas who have shifted and i noticed Nicole and Ashley stading with their arms wide open. The girls and I look at eachother and run towards them and turn it into a group hug. "Alright just brake it up already. this starting to gross me out and i want to back to cuddling up with my Nikki-poo." The other Omega spoke. But once she did Kendall growled out "Mine as he raced towards the omega and sniffed the base of her neck. She looked schocked yet happy. it's a weird combonation but she made it work. She wasn't ugly, She is very pretty actually with her silky natrual blonde hair, her outfit was just like mine and the other girls. A pair of pajama pants, a loose t-shirt and bootie slippers. "Aren't you happy you came along Jane ?" Nicole told the girl that is apparently named Jane as she wiggled her eyebrows up and down. We all Laughed at her stupid antics. "Now as only daughter in pack im entitled to ask this if the future or current Luna isn't present. Will you join the Midnightmoon pack in order to be closer to your mate Jane.... Um what's your last name ?" I asked her stupidly. everybody went into a round loud laughter again. once we all settled down she answered me. " My full name is Jane Stephanie Rogers." I looked at her and nodded. " Will you join The MidnightMoon Pack in order to be closer to your Mate Jane Stephanie Rogers ?" I asked her. she looked torn. " What's wrong Jane ?" I asked as she looked close to tears now. " My mom and dad made an agreement with the Alpha that if his son doesn't find a mate by the end of this year I am to be wed and marked as his." she was sobbing so hard. All i saw was red as I stormed to Alpha Joshua's office furious with his antics.

"This Alpha is unbelievable. I work hard to find everybody's perfect half and he just throws it all away because he wants his son to have an heir already?"

Once i made it to Alpha Joshua's office he looks with a happy smile until he see's my face. "How dare you." the voice that spoke was a mixed of mine and my wolfs together. "What are you talking about Penelope ? " He looks scared and mad all at once. " Brake of that agreement right now or i will brake every puny little bone in your body." Now it was just her voice completely. She was the moon goddess. Man I'm slow as hell. My wolf is the Moon Goddess. "Penelope don't you dare threaten Me, an Alpha" He said as he stood and tried to look menancing. Boy was he in for a surprise now. "Penelope ? who my host. oh she is a baeuty isn't she ? but no im not Penelope Sweetheart. I'm Luna, Her wolf." She said he bowed down instantly knowing who it was. I finally decided to stop hangin out in the sidelines and do what we came to do in the first place. " Brake the agreement Now Alpha Joshua Roger Dane or suffer the consequences." I told him using my Luna voice ?. Does that make my mate an Alpha ? "Yes Luna Penelope." He said as if in a trance. "good" I said with my normal voice back. " where do I sleep ? is it my normal room ?" I said once everything seemed to go back to normal. "Yea. the same room. I'll have your bags along with the other girls bags put in your rooms once they arrive." He said as he finished the phone call that will set Jane free and happy to live with her mate. "Ok night Joshy" i kissed him headed back out to the forest where everyone was still at. "Ok now where we. oh yes so do you accpet ?" I looked at Jane as she nodded her happily. " Do you also accept the resposobilities you will have once your Mate becomes Beta of the MidnightMoon Pack ?" Jane nods her head once more. "ok Welcome to the MidnightMoon pack now peace female dogs I'm of to bed." I walked back to the pack house and straight for my normal room to find that is still the as i have left 7 years ago only that the bed has been switched from a bed way to small for my height to one that's way bigger than my height.

"Goodnight Penelope. Sweet dreams."

Was the last thing i heard before I fell into a perfect dreamless sleep.

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