41. Father! Father!

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Sara's POV

Brushing my hair, I finally finished my ready look with hairpins. I was so ready to fight. Surprisingly, Valerio let me go after I dropped the new to the family, but I wasn't satisfied I was able to give them only one new. The other one is still with me. I feel bad for Kate but seeing the face of Valerio, I finally threw my second thought away.

The news of Abigail being pregnant was so harsh that Kate didn't move. I saw her. I could notice the dark circles and little messy hairs. Valerio was calling for her, but she was hypnotized by the Abigail. She continues to look at the other woman in her marriage, who she respected a lot.

No one thought Abigail would become a homewrecker. Mark knew about all the secrets of Rossi maybe that's why he avoided Abigail as well as Synn.

For checking the hundredth time that all my weapons are at the right places, I wore the oversized brown sweatshirt that I was able to pack from the mansion. Valerio kept that sweatshirt. But unfortunately, there won't be my two Italian babies.

The Rossi family will come for me. This is one of the inevitable before death. But I am not ready to die. I wore all the jewellery that I could use during a fight. From hairpins to bracelets, I feel myself ready for defence. This all arrangement reminds me of my life as an assassin. The only missing part is a sexy dress as I chose the comfortable clothes to fight.

Calling Mark and Miles, even Victor was one of my options for help but since I am the one who invited the terrible, so I decided to face the music alone.

Noises in my empty house caught my attention. This means the audience are here. I will have to think which Rossi invaded my house.

Invasion is in Rossi gene. First, Abigail then Kate, and now it's my turn to be their next victim.

“Princess....” Familiar voice called. I knew the owner of the voice is not the Rossi brother.

Following the voice, I rechecked my hairpins before walking down to meet the furious Leonard Rossi. His red swollen eyes were my first step of victory. It is him who taught his son that it is OK to hit a woman. It is Leonard Rossi who ignored all the misbehaviour of his children. Maybe this is the reason, his elder son is trustworthy and second son is another psyche and last one too young to be judged. But I am eager to see what would be his reaction once, he hears my news for him.

“Welcome whore.” He clapped and sat on my couch as if owns MY house.

“This is MY house.” Rolling my eyes, I looked around to see a bunch of useless men with a poker face.

“Who informed you about her pregnancy?” Senior Rossi directly asked without wasting time.

“I stole the files.” I shrugged off.

“She's not pregnant with his child.” He scowled.

“So she got pregnant by herself?” I laughed. “I witnessed their sex... Me Rossi.”

“They were sleeping with each other, but he can't impregnate a woman... You are a nurse. You must be aware of vasectomy.”


Being a Casanova, Antonio Rossi took an initial measure so that he can't knock any of his mistress.

“Kate was already depressed. Your news mentally broke her.” Mr Rossi said.

“Because she knew her husband is a cheater,” I argued.

“Abigail has nothing to do his infidelity.”

I laughed at his innocence. He is saving a woman that has a major role in almost ruining his marriage life. He loved his wife a lot and his drunk night with Abigail not only gave his Synn but also earned his years of struggle to get back his wife, Sarah.

“You have lost your mind along with your bastard.” He mocked me.

His words worked to achieve their target. He wanted to provoke me and now, I am enraged. He called my child a bastard. The child was a Rossi. His grandchild. His wisdom is blinded by love. Blind love.

Without breaking our eye contact, I took off my hairpin and run to attack at him while he sat like he owns everything around him and watched my every move.

The bodyguards were aware and most of them knew me. They were trained with me and were aware of my attacking moves.

One of them stood in front of me to stop me, but I dodged down and somersault to reach my target. Before I could hurt Leonard Rossi, my hand was caught by one of the guard.

“The princess that everybody is talking about is back.” Mr Rossi commented. “But you are alone.”

“My advice for you is to apologize right now or else you will regret calling my child a bastard.” I offered him his last chance, but he laughed at me and signalled at of his minion t drag me away.

I knew what this means. The intention of Leonard Rossi is the same as Antonio Rossi. He is doing what his elder son did. His plans to sell me to his whore house just like Beth was sold but the difference is she didn't do anything while I am about to do everything. However, both of us are the reason of the destruction of Rossi.

“You are saving a man who ruined your marriage,” I yelled. “Antonio.”

“He is my son. Anything for family.” He roared and walked towards me. Slapping me a multiple-time, I tasted my blood.

“Your son snatched your happiness.” I groaned in pain. “He killed my Shawn.”

“Shawn was loyal to Rossi. There's no way he would.....”

“Shawn was loyal to only Valerio. He.... knew the secret that Antonio was hiding.” I managed to say but again, the old Rossi denied trusting me and about to hit me. “Synn is not your son.”

“Yes... I am a child who believes in everybody.” He finally punched my stomach. “The proof that he is Rossi is that my grandson looks like his uncle.”

“I never said Synn is not a Rossi.” I tried to control my tears. Despite his old age, old Rossi is physically powerful.

“Take her. Make sure she gives birth every year.” Mr Rossi ordered.

“The father of Synn is Antonio.” I blurt out to buy time. I will escape no matter where they send me but before that I'll make sure Rossi suffers.

“It was me who slept with Abigail that night.” He said like he was thinking hard.

“You never touched her that night... Shawn did all the research and confronted Antonio as Valerio knew about this, so Antonio made sure he doesn't speak this anyone. And introduced Valerio to Sex life and other stuff. That's why Antonio ordered Anthony Denver to kill Shawn....” I explained. “Antonio took advantage of Abigail that night. Your son framed you.” I laughed with satisfaction.

Leonard Rossi will burn the Rossi empire into ashes.

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