21. Past Revised

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Sara's POV

“I am hungry.” I heard my younger sister, Rue wailed for food.

Opening my eyes, I rubbed them to get her clear view of crying girl in front of me. It's been almost one day and a half that we were not given food as 'ma' is pregnant again and not earning anything.

I cooed Rue but my 8-year-old sister is continuously asked for food while ma is not around, she must have went to arrange food.

“I'll bring food....” I gave her a glass of water. “Just sleep and I'll be back with food when you are awake. Lot of food.”

Nodding like a good girl she is, she closed her eyes with the hope that she would get food when she's awake.

Once she's asleep, I walked in the dark hallway of brothel where I heard various form of cries. Some were begging to stop, some begged for more, while my heart was begging for food, at least for ma and Rue.

“What are you doing here?” August whispered as soon as he observed me and dragged me to the corner.

“Brother....” Seeing him in front of alive and fine, I hugged him and cried. I was so happy to see him fine. “Rue and ma is hungry. They need food.”

“When was the last time you all had food?” He asked with concern.

“Maybe 2 days back... Is there anything I could do? They need food.”

“You have to work, Sara.” He wiped my tears and kneeled in front of me. “Ma is having a bastard again?”

“It's baby,” I yelled with to defend our mother.

“We all are bastards.” He sighed with sorrow. I knew we all were unwanted but Ma loves us all. She calls us as her strength.

“It doesn't matter. It's a baby. Our baby sister or brother.” I defended our Ma.

“It doesn't matter... I am leaving.” He snapped.

“OK... Where we have to meet? I'll tell Ma and Rue... What about our other brothers?”

“I am leaving alone.” He hugged me as if this is the hardest thing to inform. His hug doesn't matter any more. Like a coward, he was ready to leave us all. They asked me to wash those stinky bedsheets and I did because he was not well and needed a doctor, mother worked day and night to provide him medicine and, he was leaving us all. Without any regression.

“We won't be a burden to you. We would earn. I promise.....” I cried. What do someone can expect from a 13-year-old girl?

“I know this is a hell but at least, you all be alive.” He tried to convince me but I understand, he will not take us with him. “Come on, I'll arrange food.” He took me to a room.

“I have a girl.” He opened the door and bend his head while speaking. “She's a virgin.”

“She's a child.” Someone scoffed with annoyance. I looked at the source of the voice to find 3 almost young men, they are teenagers.

The 3 of them were with Andrew Schmidt, the son of Vincent, the underboss. It's an open secret that Vincent is not his father, but he treats the heir, as if his own.

“I want to leave.” I grabbed August's shirt, feeling not safe.

“We can work with that.” Andrew caught my hair and pulled me.

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