14. Fire-Fire

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Sara' POV

“Leave me,” I screamed ordering the mafia prince who kept to drive recklessly beside me, but it was all in vain.

My words were just a waste of my energy. He wasn't going to listen to me, neither did he care. He does what he likes.

I ordered again and again until I lost my patience. Knowing that he could turn into a god of torture which I wanted to avoid, I hit him. Members of mafia family have an inhumane way of torturing.

Oh! No...

Disastrous decision.

I shouldn't have hit him.

Parking his car aside, he inhaled all the oxygen available in our packed environment before turning to me. Maybe, he was trying to control himself but failed. I knew what was coming for me. But I was too stubborn to give up or accept the fact that I invited all this by myself.

Where the hell is my wisdom?

Raising his hand which appeared to be a fist, I was ready to defend myself. Although I haven't fought with any mafia prince yet, but I believe that I am strong enough to give him a strong competition. I broke his nose which is a moment of pride, at least for me.

“All you have to do is listen to me.” He clenched his punch so tight that it almost turned white. This hit will be my death, but I was ready to embrace it. I wasn't alive at all. If adoption is successful then I could think about the future; otherwise, I am equivalent to a walking dead.

“Fuck you.” I spit on his face that earned me a hit. Although it was painful, but I was more surprised that he didn't punch me. It was just a slap. A painful slap.

“I already fucked you hard.” He said before hitting.






Why can't he stop at just one slap?

He grabbed my jaw and pulled me closer to witness his war that he was fighting within himself. He appeared to be tough but his brown eyes were trying hard to hide his emotion. He was on the verge of breakdown. He doesn't seem fine. He needs help.

He is asking for help. He needs help?

Before his another hit, which I could conclude would have been my final intake, the mafia prince was disturbed by a knock on the window.

I was freed. The person outside knocking was my saviour of the day. I was already exhausted emotionally that I didn't have the energy to continue to fight physically with Valerio. I was already done for today.

“We have a problem.” I heard.

“Go on,” Valerio said looking at me. It was like he was talking to me but ignoring him, I continued to rub my injured face.

Bastard. This is what I could call him.

I never even thought about Valerio Rossi. Before everything that happened 2 years back, he was just my husband's boss and had one-sided love for Beth but today, I hate him.

I hate him for everything that happened to me in this past years. I hate him, with my everything left.

Sobbing silently, I heard Valerio getting out of his car and jogged with the man.

Should I run away?

What about deal?

Fuck the deal. I have no one for me to fight for. Maybe, just maybe I could start a new life with a baby. I need help. I have to reach to Mark.

Collection of courage was another step, that consumed my another moment. I could be a fool to think about running from Rossi Estate. There were 2 possibility, of course. One is, I could successfully escape but will always have to run. This step demands the presence of Mark by my side throughout my life. Do I want to live this type of life? Second was that I could stay here and could leave after one year, as the deal stated.

Opted for the second choice, I got out of the car to see people were gathering in the crowd. They were rushing over the opposite direction of the car. I followed them and reached to the place that was surrounded by smoke.

“What happened?” I asked one of the maids.

“It's fire.” She said rolling her eyes.

“It must be all the wastage,” I mumbled. What is so panicked about it?

“Rossi don't burn the wastage. They have water treatment plant here... Nature lover.” She smiled faked and left. “She looks like a shit.” I heard her mumbling.

Guards and maids started leaving. It was confirmed that someone near the area has the access to the estate and used this area to dump their wastage. They even burnt it. And here, I thought Mafia families are very serious about security. Especially Rossi.

The area was almost empty as I could see Rossi men, except the youngest one were standing. All the present Rossi men were discussing serious.

Of course, it was a serious matter. Someone trespassed their private property and they were not aware.

I walked to them as it was almost dinner time. Being caretaker of one of the Rossi brother, it was my duty to make sure he eats. Once he's fine, then at the end of the year I could leave.

“Who is she?” Antonio Rossi asked. I could see him scanning me head to toe, that was filled with disgusting lust. Pervert man. “Who hurt to her?”

“It's not your business,” Valerio growled and walked to me.

We were about to walk away but one thing that caught my attention was a cufflink. A familiar cufflink near my feet.

Bending down to hold it, I noticed that it was clothes which were on fire. The cufflinks were familiar too. It was hot yet I managed to hold it. Looking at it carefully, I realized that it was my birthday present to my husband.

I was stunned. These were my clothes, no wastage. And. They were on fire.


Someone attacked my house as well as mom that ultimately killed her, stole ONLY clothes and burnt them here, in Rossi estate.

I didn't bother to find out initially; I thought it was nothing but I robbery by a homeless person. But no, it was a well-planned move.

First, the secret possessed by Dr Anastasia Harrington and then, the robbery at my home.

“Every mafia family has their secret, don't ever involve with them. The far you are from them, the better you are.” Mark advised rang on my mind.

What the hell is going on?

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