I didn't have a place I loved to go like everyone when I was young , some people like the mall or the beach but for me the mall was ok but not my favorite and I have never went to the beach at that time and everything was just ok I was just happy that everyone I loved was ok and I had friends but when someone told me to write about my favorite place I couldn't so on the prewrite paper I put I don't have one and that made my teacher mad at me because she said everyone has one but the more you think about it the only reason why you see it as your favorite place is because of the memories. As life continued I started to think harder about it and at the time it wasn't a place people could go or see maybe hear if I let them the place that I loved the most at the time was my mind it was safe an exit from reality when I wasn't happy I went to a happy place where there were stories pictures of all my favorite characters off of TV shows, movies, and books. There is a reason I said that was when I was little it was the best place ever but as I got older I started to make friends that where fake and toxic they made me hate myself by the way I talked to the way I acted to. that ate at my self-esteem, so slowly my mind was being poisoned like a Cerebra Odollam growing in my mind and someone was crushing it up to dust I started to see all the things that I never saw before that I hated I started to hate my body and everything about me some people would say that's growing up but why does it have to be that way why it is when you get older you start to have this toxic mind about yourself. My life changed my mind was no longer my friend but my worst enema, finding the little things that I can't really change wrong with me like my eyes I find them small and I hate my green eyes. All the fake friends made my mind a battle ground and I let them I couldn't stop it now my mind is poised but the only thing I can do is try my best to fix it. My favorite place is with my family they are now my new happy place and favorite place but when we fight like all family's do I just let out all my anger and sadness by crying in my room and put on music to cover up the sound, now I'm not saying that's good for you but it helps me and I'm slowly opening up to my family about my upsetting feelings