some people say it doesn't matter how often you talk you cant truly know someone unless you talk to them face to face not over a phone, so to them it doesn't how much you care or love that other person they aren't you friend or partner. now I live with a person like and it mite hurt and suck because they don't under stand how strong feelings can be for someone that you cant touch or even look into there eyes and sometimes I think it would be easer to think like my heart cant get hurt with that thought proses. but if I did think that way I would never be happy some of my best friends are people who don't live near me and I've had better online relationships then I have offline and the same goes for friendships. I don't under stand and I may never understand how someone can think if you don't meet face to face then they aren't a friend or partner the world is to sad and to lonely to have that thought proses and I'm happy I don't have it and even though it would be easier Im much happier this way