was it a dream?

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I walked around this place not knowing how I got there or even where I was but my body know where it was going like it knew the area. it smelled sweet and clean but it looked like its  run down so I was confused where the  smell is coming  from, why am I here  asked myself like a crazy person would. I tried to follow my nose to find the sweet smell which made me think of lemon gumdrops my mother made when I was a kid. it lead me to a bedroom but after I opened the door the smell left but I went in the room anyway and looked around, the bed had newer looking sheets and the pillows where laying perfect on it like it was just made I left it alone and looked at the closet and inside had some amazing dresses of all kinds but they all felt so nice almost as nice as they looked something told me to put one on so I did it fit perfect it hugged my body a little but it made me look and feel gorgeous. I was about to take it off but that smell came back and it was stronger and I followed it led me to a defend room but this time it didn't leave it just changed, it smelt like rotting flesh it was so strong I almost passed out I left the room as fast as I could trying to leave but I froze at a bathroom where I saw a little girl hanging but she wasn't dead she was giggling until she saw me then she let out a blood curdling scream. I woke up in my bed holding my chest where my heart is as I panted I whispered it was just a dream and that's what I thought until I pulled back my blanket to see the same dress I put on

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