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Something is differnt about Marley as she walks into school Friday morning.

A few people notice. Most don't really care. But some of them gossip. They try to figure out what it is. And then they realize...

Marley Parker is smiling.

Many wonder if it's because of 'that new boy, Harry'. The story of Marley in the locker room with the group of girls has already spead through the school like wildfire.

And something's different about Marley as she walks into school Friday morning.

It didn't help to extinguish the rumors when Harry neglected to decline their relationship, even though he wasn't sure they really had one. But he also didn't confirm anything because no one was as confused about the subject as him.

But, no. Marley was smiling for a different reason.

Because the scale this morning read ninety-two pounds.

Oh, numbers. How they can mean so much but are really so insignificant. Numbers, numbers, numbers.

So when Marley walked into school Friday morning, something was different. She was smiling. But not for what everyone thought.

Not even the boy with green eyes that remind her of summer grass and warm breezes. No, not even he could tell you why.

But then there's something different about him, too.

There's a frown between Harry's eyebrows as he thinks of uneaten lasagna portions and cold fingers and sleeveless black dresses that hang a little too loose.

Because it all doesn't add up. Marley Parker just doesn't add up.

And numbers, numbers, numbers.

So when Harry spots the girl with crystal blue eyes that remind him of icicles and frost-bitten noses, and she's smiling, he sighs and can't help the small smile that spreads across his own lips.

But it just doesn't add up. Marley Parker just doesn't add up.


He looks up to see a girl standing in front of him. But not the one he really wants to be talking to. No, that girl is still halfway down the hallway.

He smiles. But only to be polite. "Hi."

"Sorry. I know you're in my gym class and I wanted to ask you a favor." The girl says. Smiling a little too brightly.

Marley is lost in her own mind as she shoves her things into her locker. But something catches her eye down the hall.

She sees the girl with the high ponytail from gym class. The one who asked about Harry. Acacia, was her name. And she's talking to the green-eyed boy himself.

As Marley watches, she sees him smile. And she's jealous, jealous, jealous.

Because Marley is all cold fingers and half-crazed minds and crystal blue eyes that remind a certain boy of icicles and frost-bitten noses. And she's jealous, jealous, jealous.

But she doesn't want to admit that. So she slams her locker door. Hard.

Harry glances up at the loud sound. And sees Marley walking to class without him.

"Erm, I have to get to class." Harry says to the girl beside him. The one who won't stop twirling her hair as she talks to him. "I'll see you in gym."

So then he takes long strides to catch up with the girl whose crystal blue eyes remind him of icicles and frost-bitten noses.

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