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Marley has had to deal with taking care of herself before. But with the overdue bills on the counter in her kitchen, she seems to find it harder than ever to make ends meet.

Normally in this situation she would be able to bribe her brother, some way some how, to chip in so the electric wouldn't go out and they would still have running water.

But Marley has to deal with taking care of herself.

So, Thursday afternoon, she finds herself watching after the two youngest yet extremely snooty sons of a rich couple as they prepare for some kind of charity banquet. But the amount of money the wife spent on her dress for the evening alone could pay for Marley's bills for the next month. And she doesn't see the real point in the event whatsoever.

Never the less, she knows that by the end of the evening, Mr. And Mrs. Tomlinson will be feeling very generous and possibly tip her enough for her to just to get by. They always come back from these things tipsy and happy. And tonight that's what Marley is hoping for as she is welcomed inside the door.

Their home is The Taj Mahal in comparison to hers. Even nicer than Harry's and possibly twice the cost. Everything in sight is a shade of light taupe or off-white. Matched with shiny dark hard wood floors, large area rugs and ceiling height tall enough that Marley is certain she could fit her small home inside theirs with ease.

"We will be back by midnight." Mrs. Tomlinson says. Clipping on her gold necklace in front of a large mirror in the foyer. Marley doesn't question for a second if it's real. "Ben needs to be in bed by nine. Jarred can stay up until ten, but no later."

"Renee, she knows. She's done it plenty of times." Mr. Tomlinson smiles at his wife before turning to Marley. "Our phone numbers are next to the landline in the office, as usual. But this is an important event for my business, so only call if there's an emergency."

"Louis, she knows. She's done it plenty of times." Renee smiles at her husband before checking the watch on her wrist that doubles as an elegant bracelet. "We're going to be late."

"Have fun, Mister and Misses Tomlinson." Marley says as they head toward the door.

As soon as they're gone, she walks into the living room where the two boys are playing some kind of shooting game on a large flatscreen on the opposite wall. She never has to worry much about entertaining them, but they get caught up in their game sometimes and get angry at each other. Most of the time this results in Marley pulling the boys apart before they can hurt each other.

But for now, they're absorbed into their game of trying to blow each other's virtual heads off.



Has silence always been this quiet? Harry finds himself asking this question as he sits at his desk in his room. There are clothes thrown around the floor and his bed is a mess of sheets and too many pillows.

Harry only ever really cleans up his room when Marley is there. And since she hasn't been here in four days, it's a mess.

"Your room looks awful." Harry's mother says from the doorway. He didn't see her approach, and he jumps slightly at her words.

"I have a lot of homework lately." He shrugs. "I'll clean it up tomorrow."

"Do whatever you want. Just no one comes over until it is. I'm not having your friends think I let you live in a pig sty." Dianne smiles.

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