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•Chapter 1•

Vanya's POV

"My Lord Elrond and lady Vanya I think I hear something" Thalion one of the other guards told us. "I hear it to. Come let's go see what it is." I respond to him. As we get closer I see a group of 13 dwarfs, a hobbit and a wizard that looks like Gandalf. While orcs chasing after them. "Orcs" I say to my men and Lord Elrond. "Should we attack?" Thalion ask Lord Elrond and I. "Yes" We respond at the same time.

As we got closer I noticed that 2 dwarfs looks familiar. One of them looks like my father and the other my uncle. I see the dwarfs going into our hidden passage and the Orc alongside there wargs getting closer to the hidden passage. "Blow the horn" Lord Elrond commanded me. That's what I did. I blew the horn and we attacked the orcs. As soon as we finished killing the orcs we went back inside of Rivendell.

As we get inside I blow my horn again and we circle the dwarfs and hobbit, while the wizard who I figured out is Gandalf is standing beside Lindir. Lord Elrond and I get of of our horses and Lord Elrond greets Gandalf and starts talking to him. While I stare at one handsome dwarf who caught my attention. I think he noticed I was staring and looked at me. I looked away blushing, hoping he didn't notice and started to look at the other dwarfs. As I look at them I gasp and start backing away. Lord Elrond looks over at me and sees I'm staring at one pacific dwarf. He looks over at him and notice why I gasped. All the dwarfs now look over and 2 of them come up to me. To be more pacific my dad Balin and uncle Dwalin come up to me. "Vanya? Is that really you Vanya?" My dad ask me. My eyes start watering and I run as fast as I can to my room. "VANYA COME BACK! PLEASE COME BACK!" My uncle yells, while him and my dad start chasing me. I hear there footsteps getting closer so I run faster. I can't believe that's him. It's my father.

I look behind me and see my uncle is more ahead of my dad. "Ahhhh" I scream out, while my uncle tackles me to the ground. He wraps his arms around me and let's me cry in his chest. "Shhhh, Vanya look at me. Look at me please." I look up to him and he start talking again. "Oh Vanya. You had me and your dad worried sick. We thought we lost you. I'm so happy we found you safe and sound." he softly tells me with his deep voice. Let's just say that me and Dwalin have a very close bond. When he finished talking he lets me go and my father reached us and pulls me into a tight hug. "Oh Vanya, I missed you so much. Please don't scare me like that again. Oh Valar I'm so happy your safe. I love you my daughter." He whispers to me quietly, with tears in his eyes. "I miss you and love you to father." I say back to him. As we finished our greeting we walk back to where all the dwarfs, the hobbit, Gandalf and Lord Elrond is. As we get to them I see Thorin and I hug him. "Hi Thorin" I say very quietly. "Oh Vanya. I missed you so much." Thorin says to me. "I missed you to Thorin." I reply back. I go up to Gandalf and say "Mithrandir. It's good to see you again." "Ahh it's good to see you to Vanya." He reply hugging me quickly. As soon as I let him go I hear father start talking. "Everyone this is my long lost daughter Vanya." He says happily to everyone. I look up and smile at them. The handsome looking dwarf come up to me first and says "Kili, at your service." He bows to me and kisses my hand. "Vanya at yours" I smile at him, while blushing lightly. Why in the Valar am I blushing. I never blush. When I look up again i see him staring and next thing you know we lock our eyes together and keep staring. I feel my cheeks burning up even more now. Ok there is something wrong with me. I don't blush. Our eyes are still locked until another dwarf comes up and ruins the moment. "Fili, at your service." The dwarf that came up to me says. "Vanya." I say louder so all the dwarfs hear. "Are you two brothers" I ask Fili and Kili. "Why yes we are Lady Vanya" Kili says.

After I finished meeting the dwarfs I escort them to their rooms they will be staying at. "Vanya can I talk to you?" I hear my father say. "Of course" I reply. we walk to my room so we can talk privately. "Vanya, how did you escape the dragon attack?" He ask me. "Well when you got me out I started to feel for my necklace that my mother gave me when I was a baby." I say


"Vanya! VANYA! WHERE ARE YOU!?" My father screams out. (She is only 7 here) "I'm right here father" I scream back to him. As soon as he gets me he picks me up and starts running to the entrance/exit of the Mountain. As we get out I feel for my necklace that my mother gave me and I notice it's not there. I see it on the ground and jump out of my dads arms and start running to get it. "VANYA COME BACK" He screams. I don't listen and keep running. I got closer to the necklace and pick it up. As I turn around I look for my father. "FATHER? WHERE DID YOU GO" I start panicking and run looking for him. "FATHER! FATHER!" I scream but I don't get an answer. I fall to the ground and start crying. "Father?" I whisper.

3 years later

For all those 3 years I spent my time looking for my father. I started losing hope and fall to the ground crying. "Please come back father. Please be safe and come back to me" I whisper so quietly. All of a sudden I hear a galloping of a horse and see an man, wait oh I mean elf is standing above me. He started talking to me asking me where my parents are. "Well my parents are dead. They were attacked by orcs and my adoptive dad I can't find him. I lost him. Can you please help me." I ask while crying. "Of course my dear. Come on let's get you cleaned up" The elf that I learned his name was Lord Elrond.


"He took me in and took care of me" I finish telling my father. "I am so sorry my dear. I wish I have found you. I'm so sorry. It was my fault." Father says crying lightly. "No father it's not my fault. I should of listened to you but I didn't. I'm sorry father." I reply crying also and pulling him into a hug. "I never stopped looking for you father. I never did." I whisper to him.

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