Out of the frying pan and into the fire.

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•Chapter 9•

Vanya's POV

The platfom starts shaking from the impact of the Goblin King and it creaks amd starts to fall down fast, really fast.

I grab the pole that is beside me and clutch it like my life depends on it. Which if dose. We keep falling until we are really near the bottom. I better no die. Not here, not now. Suddenly we stop and I look left and right to see all the dwarfs are ok, and 2 rocks at the bottom stopped us. I get off the platform quickly not wanting to stay there with wood pieces on top of me. As I get up I hear Bofur comment "well that could have been worse" I look up quickly and see the Goblin King falling down fast towards our platform. I was about to scream out, but the goblin King beat me by falling on top of the platform squishing the dwarfs. "You've go to be kidding me" my uncle says. I start laughing so hard and I see in the corner of my eye that Kili and Fili are smiling at me and my dad, uncle and Thorin glaring at me. "Hahahahah I'm sorry. It's just when Bofur said that comment at such a bad timing. Hahaha you just jinxed it at such a bad time Bofur" I keep laughing at all the dwarfs. Gandalf starts helping the dwarfs out of the platform with my help, then Kili calls out to Gandalf. I look over to where Kili points and see that all of the goblins are coming out way mad that we killed their king. "Theirs to many, we can't kill them all" Dwalin calls out towards Gandalf. "There is only one thing that can save us, Daylight. Vanya show us the way out." Gandalf says. "Aye" I reply and start running off toward the exit I took the last time I was hear.

We make it all the way right by Gollums cave and the exit is up ahead. "Come on now quickly" I scream at the dwarfs stopping by a rock and making sure they are all hear. "Come on Gandalf go to the exit. We have 1 dwarf short, but I see him running towards us." I shoo the wizard off. "Let's go Bombur. We have to get out of hear" I scream out to him in a nice calm voice. As soon as he reaches me I look behind me to see if Bilbo was anywhere near Gollums cave, but he wasn't. Oh Bilbo you better be safe and alive. I run towards the exit and catch up to Bombur when Gandald counts him off. "And Vanya. That make 13 dwarfs and 1 elf. Where is Bilbo. Where is the hobbit. Where is our hobbit" Gandalf calls out. "Curse the half-ling. Now he's lost. I thought he was with Dori" Dwalin says. "Don't blame me" Dori says back to Dwalin mad. "Well where did you last see him?" I question Dori "I think I saw him slip away we they first collard us" Nori tells everybody instead of Dori. "What happened exactly. Tell me" Gandalf demands. Before Nori can talk Thorin comes upfront and says negative things. "I'll tell you what happened, master Baggins saw his chance and he took it. He has thought of nothing, but his soft bed, and warm house since he stepped out of his door. We will not be seeing our hobbit again, he is long gone" "no Thorin. Stop saying negative things about Bilbo. He risked his life to help take back your home. He would not just abandon us. Bilbo is not that kind of person. Stop saying things when you don't even know if it's true" I spat at him while giving him a glare once again. Everyone goes silent after I just said that with venom laced in my voice. Some of the dwarfs are taking in what I said and some are just staring at me. Gosh have some faith. Bilbo isn't like that. "No Vanya is right. I'm right here" I hear a very familiar voice behind me. I smirk to myself and say proudly out loud "Bilbo. Glad to know that you are back and safe" I look over at Thorin and see he has an surprised expression on his face. Ha you should never doubt Bilbo next time. "Bilbo Baggins. I've never been so glad to see anyone in my life" Gandalf exclaims happily. I run up to Bilbo and hug him. I can tell that he is surprised that I have done this. He hugs me back and I let go of him after. "Bilbo we have given you up" I hear a voice say that belongs to Kili. Then Fili adds "how did you get past the goblins?" "How indeed" Dwalin says beside Thorin who now has a scowl on his face. I'm standing beside Bilbo and he gets tense. He starts making an ummm noise then slips I think it's a ring in his pocket. I guess he doesn't want anyone to see that thing which I suppose is a ring. "Well what dose it matter. Bilbo is back" I say so I can't get all the attention away from him and I see Gandalf looking at him suspiciously. "It matters. I want to know, why you did come back?" Thorin pushes the subject back to place. Really Thorin. You have to ask that. "I know you doubt me. I know- I know you always have and your right I think of Bag End. I miss my box and my armchair and my garden. See that's where I belong, that's home. And that's why I came back. You don't have one, a home. It was taken from you, but I will help you take it back if I could" Bilbo replies with a soft voice. I smile towards him and he smiles back. I look over at Thorin and see he is surprised about his answer and also see a hint of respect and admiration. I look over at the other dwarfs and they also have respect in their eyes and so do I. "That really means a lot Bilbo. I'm so happy that you decided to come back" I whisper to him and I can see that some dwarfs heard me. My head suddenly snaps up at the sudden noise of a grunt sounding like a warg. "Vanya what do your elf eyes see?" (Haha see what u did there) Gandalf notice my sudden movements and questions me. "Orcs. Along side wargs" I reply with hatred laced in my voice. All of the dwarfs heads pop up and look at me, when I said orcs. All of a sudden a howl is heard and wargs footsteps sounding from the ground. "Out of the Frying pan" Thorin says "and into fire" I say back and Gandalf finishes for us by saying "run. RUNNN"

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