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•Chapter 10•

Vanya's POV

"Up into the trees hurry now" I yell at the dwarfs, Gandalf and Bilbo. "Bilbo come. Hurry now" Gandalf screams at Bilbo who just killed a warg attacking him. I climb into a tree where Kili and Fili is.

As soon as I'm up into my tree I look up and see the Orc that killed my family. Azog. Azog the defiler. "Azog" I hear Thorin whisper to himself in disbelieve that the pale Orc is still alive. "Do you smell it? the sent of fear?" The defiler calls out in black speech. I look over at The pale Orc and see 'it' sniff the air, while looking directly at Thorin. "I remember your father reeked of it... Thorin son of Thrain." The pale Orc adds, still in black sheep. "It cannot be" Thorin mumbles to himself. Azog looks at all the dwarfs, hobbit and wizard in the trees, but 'it's' eyes stop directly at me. "Ahhh. You I remember you, screaming, crying for your family when I killed them. " Azog calls out at me, while pointing directly at me, as pain shoots through me as I remember the time he attacked my village and killed my family and kin. I look around at all of the dwarfs in different trees and I see my father and uncle tense up with anger filling their eyes, Fili and Thorin looking at him in rage, Bilbo looking scared, but a hint of anger flashes through his eyes, Nori, Dori, Bifur, Bombur and Gloin getting ready to take their swords out when they get off this tree, Ori and Bofur look at me in symphony when Azog mentioned my family and last but not least Kili. Kili looks like he is ready to kill Azog with his own bare hands. Shred the nasty pale Orc in pieces. I've never seen Kili like this.

"Those ones are mine... Kill the others!" Azog demands. (Azog said that all in black speech. Sorry I'm lazy to search how to put it in black speech. Lolz) all the wargs, without riders come and start jumping on our trees, wanting us to all fall out. "UGH" I groan in pain as one warg got a hold of my foot. Kili looks over at me worried taking hold of his eyes and see the warg that has hold of my foot. Kili gets his sword out and stabs the warg tugging on my foot attempting to drag me to the ground. He kills the warg, but it's teeth are still clamped on my ankle. I get hold of the wargs face and use all my strength to pry its teeth out of my ankle. As I keep pulling its teeth bared in my ankle gets loose and I'm free. I grab my ankle in pain and see lots of blood gushing out. "Vanya-San are you ok?" Kili ask concerned. "Yes I'm fine Kili. Thank you" I softly say and try to smile to show him in fine. "Are you sure Vanya-San?" Kili ask this again and that gets Fili's attention. "I'm sure" I force my smile to widen even more. The brothers both look at me, worry filled their eyes, but they look away hesitantly. Out of the corner of my eyes I see Fili looking at me with concern and Kili with a frown on his face, probably still not believing me. I rip up a piece of my shirt and wrap it around my bloody ankle.

This time another warg starts jumping on our tree and broke the branch I was standing on. I shriek quietly, but Kili herd "HANG ON VANYA! I GOT YOU" Kili screams at me, while getting ahold of my hand pulling me up to him. When Kili finally gets me up he pulls me into his chest. As we are still hugging I hear cracks and the next thing you know out tree is tipping over onto the tree Bilbo is on. (Pretend that Bilbo and the other dwarfs were on the tree that Fili and Kili are on in the movie) "WE NEED TO JUMP" Fili calls out. "OKAY READY. ON THE COUNT OF THREE. 1...2...3" We all jump onto the next tree while ours is falling. We land on the next tree, but of course it also has to fall over, to the next, to the next making a domino effect. The trees keep falling into of each other, while we jump for our lives until the very last tree, right on the edge of the cliff. The tree keeps its place luckily. I can hear Azogs laugh echo through the wind. The wargs keep jumping at our tree, but the tree holds still in place.

I look to my right and see a pinecone. "Gandalf" I call to the grey wizard and motion to the pinecones and his staff. Gandalf looks at the 2 items I point out and he finally figured out what I'm saying. "Good thinking Vanya" Gandalf call to me. He grabs the pinecone and lights it on fire with his staff and throws it at the ground scaring the wargs away from our tree. Gandalf grabs two more and light them both and hands me one and the other down to Fili. I see Kili reach over to me with a pinecone in his hand and motions me to set his on fire also. I toss the burning pine cone in both of my hands and wait until Kili's is lit. Kili's pinecone finally catches on fire and we throw out pinecones right by Gandalf's first one. Gandalf keeps handing all of us burning pinecones ready to throw and keep the wargs away. "ITS WORKING. ITS WORKING" Ori calls out happily.

I look down and see all the wargs run back to where Azog stands. Azog screams out in anger while we're all cheering, but gets cut off by the tree were all depending on creaking and tipping over towards the edge even more. I grab on the branch above me on time before I fall to my death. I look over at the other dwarfs, hobbit and wizard and see that they're all hanging off a branch and next thing you know Oris branch breaks and he's falling, but grabs Doris left leg just in time. Azog looks at me and whispers in the air knowing I'll hear him. "You couldn't help your family. You let them die and now I'm going to kill all these dwarfs, this hobbit and wizard in front of you and you won't be able to stop me. Im going to kill them all like I did with your family." He looks up at me and grins evilly. Again pain shoots through my body as I hear my father telling me to be safe, my baby brother and mothers screaming and crying. As I picture Azog killing the company that made me feel at home. Made me feel like family.

No. Stop Vanya. You will not let that happen. You are not going to let Azog kill your new family. Your not going to let him harm them.

I'll kill you first before you lay a hand on them.

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