Chapter 2: Well, That Went Down A Storm...

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Josh was feeling the lowest of the low at the moment. Not only had he just lost his NXT North American Championship to Pete Dunne at Takeover 31, but earlier in the day, his girlfriend of 4 years, Lucy, told him that she wanted to split up.

Lucy: Josh, there's no easy way for me to say this, but I feel like the love we have had these past 4 years is drifting away. It's nothing personal, I do still like you, but to me I can tell the love isn't there anymore, which is why I think we should split up. I've already packed my stuff and will be staying at my brother's place until I can find somewhere new. I hope you understand. Xx

Those words kept rattling in his ears as he had a shower and packed up his gear, heading to his car and going home. Along the way he saw a few guys and girls from the NXT roster, such as Damien Priest, Karrion Kross and Scarlett, as well as The Undisputed Era. But as he got to his car and got in, he caught the eye of one particular woman, Toni Storm. She had recently turned heel, and looked better than ever, and even had a bit of a thing for Josh recently whilst at the same time, had recently gone through a rough time, her now ex cheating on her a few months back while she was recovering from a lengthy injury spell.

Toni: Hey, Dakota?

Dakota: Yeah, what's up?

Toni: Do you happen to know what's wrong with Josh? I've never seen him looking so down before.

Dakota: His girlfriend broke up with him earlier today. He told me and Tegan that he felt broken inside. Why do you ask? You fancy him, don't you?

Toni: I... Well, maybe... It's just... Usually we always see him with a smile on his face, so this is a different side of him.

Dakota: I knew it! Well, he hasn't spoken to anyone else all day, only to me and Tegan over the phone this morning before getting to the arena.

Toni: I hope he's okay, I mean... I really care about him and It's just... Well, I kinda know what he's going through at the moment, with my boyfriend cheating on me and all. You reckon he'll be okay?

Dakota: Who knows? He doesn't talk much about his personal life at work. Probably only me, Tegan, Damien, Karrion and Scarlett know, considering we're the only ones he talks to. Who knows, maybe even you soon!

Toni: You really think he might want to talk to me about it?

Dakota: Well, I'm not saying no... Give it a few days and we'll see. If he's still like this by the show on Wednesday, then I'll give him your number.

Toni perked up a little as she and Dakota grabbed a bite to eat from catering and then headed back to their hotel for the night.

The following Wednesday, on NXT...

Dakota and Toni were chatting while getting into their gear for the evening as they had a tag team match later in the night against Shotzi Blackheart and Ember Moon.

Toni: Any word from Josh?

Dakota: See for yourself...

They watched the TV as it showed a dejected Josh in the ring.

Josh: So, I lost at Takeover. That happened. What's next for me? I don't know... It's just the fact that I don't know what the future has in store for me. Which is why...

Just as he was going to announce his plans, NXT Champion Finn Balor came out and had a wicked smirk on his face.

Finn: Whoa, whoa. Josh, man, you look like a sack of bricks. But I have a solution to your problem. I say solution, more like favour.

Josh: Oh really? I doubt that, but go on, let's hear it.

Finn: You and me teaming up in the Dusty Tag Team Classic. I've entered and need a partner. You were the first person who came to mind. And if we get eliminated, you can face me for this NXT Championship.

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