Chapter 19: Tegan Shines With Liv

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As Liv Morgan was being beaten down by Damage CTRL, backstage, the returning Tegan Nox had seen enough, and she came sprinting down to the ring, disposing of Bayley and Iyo before coming face to face with her former friend now bitter rival, Dakota. Liv also retaliated, using a kendo stick to hit anything that moved. As Damage CTRL retreated, Tegan challenged them to a Women's Tag Title match in 2 weeks, which when they got backstage, Adam Pearce made it official. Meanwhile, Josh Stevens had watched the whole segment, and paid close attention to two women in particular. His girlfriend, Liv, and the girl who was a sister figure to him growing up, Tegan. He hadn't seen the latter for nearly 2 years, and couldn't wait to be reunited with her. The moment she saw him, she ran and jumped in his arms for a hug.

Josh: Hey you...

Tegan: Hey, big bro...

Even though they weren't related by blood, they still called each other sis and bro, as she was the closest thing Josh had to family since he moved to America.

Liv: Hey, handsome.

The two kissed with Tegan still locked in the hug she created.

Josh: So, tag team gold, huh?

Tegan: Yep - next week I face Dakota, my chance to get another measure of revenge for what she did to me all those years ago.

Liv: She'll get what's coming to her. Bayley and Iyo too.

Josh: Mmm... I like seeing you all feisty babe, you've defo taken it up a level since you lost the title...

Liv: Well, you found out how much last night, didn't you?

Josh: Mmm... yes I did!!!

By now, Tegan had jumped off Josh and looked on at the couple, thinking back to what life was like when she had a girlfriend. She had split from her most recent relationship thanks to Tegan re-signing with WWE, and her girlfriend wasn't willing to commit with Tegan hardly ever being home, so she got up and left, leaving Tegan on her own again.

Liv: Aww, Tegan! Don't you worry, I have a feeling I know exactly what you need...

Josh: Aaaaand that's my cue to leave... I have a match against Ricochet, so I'll leave you girls to it.

As he left, both Tegan and Liv watched on at the sight before them.

Tegan: You are so lucky to have him.

Liv: You bet I am - its been nearly 8 months since we got together! Just before Mania, he saw my gear, all black leather with the bunny ears and the whip...

Tegan: Do I even want to know what happened next?

Liv: Let's just say that whip came in VERY handy after I won the title at Money In The Bank...

At this point, for whatever reason, Tegan found herself getting turned on a bit. After being Josh's sister figure practically all her life, and the fact that she was more into girls, she couldn't help but wonder what he was like in the bedroom, a fact not lost on Liv, who had a mischevious glint in her eye.

Tegan: I've seen that look in your eye before... you're up to something, aren't you?

Liv: Maybe... maybe not.

Tegan: Come on, tell me!

Liv: Nah, it sounds stupid now I think about it...

Tegan: Just tell me! I'm not taking no for an answer!

Liv: Well, it's just... how long have you known the guy?

Tegan: Basically since I was about 9.

Liv: And in all that time... have you ever thought about... you know?

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