Greetings, Welcome

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I was so nervous my hands felt so slippery due to how much I was sweating." Y/N"? Huh oh Yes Ilumi." Prepare yourself to meet your family".

                                                                         **Time Skip**

"Ok Y/N we are here get ready and be confident they can sense your fear they are assassins you know, wait arent you an assassin as well you shouldn't be this nervous". That's the thing my parents were gonna train me next year once I turned 13."Oh, well we can train you after all Grandpa Zeno was getting bored, well come on we need to introduce you".

                                                                       **Time Skip**


Hello, my name is Y/N Ino of the now-deceased Ino assassination clan I am pleased to meet you all.

Kikyo: Ahhhhh Hello Y/N your absolutely beautiful and your h-hair its white just like killuas but yours is so long and beautiful how would your mother let it get this tangeld, and your eyes they are beautiful.

Kikyo: Ahhhhh Hello Y/N your absolutely beautiful and your h-hair its white just like killuas but yours is so long and beautiful how would your mother let it get this tangeld, and your eyes they are beautiful

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This is how you look if you don't like it you can change it :)

Y/N: D-Did she just says that my eyes were beautiful, no one at school wanted to be near me they thought that I was a creation of the devil, and to top it all off my family were elite assassins so they thought that I would murder them.

Kikyo: They are a beautiful shade of crimson red they look as if they were jewels.

Zeno: Well hello there I'm glad to meet you Y/N I also want to warn you that I will not go easy on you while training other than that welcome to the family!

Y/N: I cant wait to train with you, Sir.Zeno.

Zeno: nonsense you can call me grandpa Zeno after all your family now.

Y/N: Ok Grandpa Zeno. I decided to give him a smile

Alluka: Hello big sister! Do you want to play with me and big brother after all the grown-up stop talking?

Y/N: Of course um.. I didn't quite catch your name.

Alluka: It's Alluka and my powers name is nanika she's really nice and hardly ever comes out. she said with a smile on her sweet face.

Kaluto: Hello welcome to the family Y/N. My name is Kaluto.

Y/N: Hello Kaluto!

Killua: Oh my gosh I'm next but how can I speak when she's so beautiful I won't be able to stop blushing or stop slurring my words, get yourself together killua you're an assassin for crying out loud I shouldn't be showing any emotion." Killua Killuaaaa". It was Alluka she was shaking me I'm guessing that I dozed off again. Huh yes, Alluka. "Wake up your next after Miluki".Ok right.

Miluki: " Miluki be nice to your younger sisiter" ! Yea Yea im sorry mama. Hi Y/N my names Miluki and I hope we can get along blah blah blah..

Y/N: I can tell that Miluki doesn't like me so I won't get in his way. Hello, I said with a smile.

Kikyo: KILLUA! " Yes, mother". Don't be rude and say hello to your SISTER.

Killua: D-Did she say sister, wait she's not my blood so I still have a chance yesss. Hello, Y/N-Chan nice to meet you. 

Y/N: Hello Killua-kun it's very nice to meet you!

                                                                   **To Be Continued**

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