chapter 6

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Chapter 6

On Thursday we had DADA, and I sat in the front row. Something told me to keep everything in my bag so I did, while everyone else started taking out thier books." You can put those away, those books, you won't need them" he told us about the letter Lupin left after everyone put thier books away." I hear at least one of you had an opposite reaction to a hunkypunk" everyone looked at me but I ignored them.

Then he told us what we would be going over this year and Ron interrupted him. I tuned out but tuned back in when he mentioned the unforgivable curses. He pulled out a spider and I had a bad feeling. He pointed his wand at the spider and muttered" imperio" he made the spider do back flips and cartwheels across the desk, and everyone started laughing but me and Moody. I didn't find it funny because I knew how the spider felt, that's what Tom Riddle did to me in my second year and I would never forget it.

My grip tighted on my bag and Moody saw this." Think its funny do you, how you feel if I did this to you" everyone stopped laughing, out of the corner of my eye, I noticed Harry looking at me." Haylee are you alright" Draco asked from next to me and I nodded." Total control" he started explaining to us what it did to someone and what he could make the spider do.

Then he asked for another one, Neville raised his hand and Moody called on him."there's one- The Cruciatus Curse"

" your Longbottom" he asked and Neville nodded. He pointed his wand at the spider muttering" Engorgio" the spider grew in size. Then he pointed his wand at the spider and mutter" Crucio" The spider started screaming in pain. Neville started to cringe and I understood, after a few minutes I shot to my feet." Stop it, can't you see its bothering him, stop it" Moody cut off the spell and picked up the last spider, walking over to me." Maybe you should tell us the last of the three curses, Miss potter" I shook my head tears in my eyes but I mumbled" Avada Kedavra"

" ah yes, the last and worst of the three. Avada Kedavra....the killing curse" he put the spider on the desk and pointed his wand at it. I closed my eyes as he muttered " Avada Kedavra" I flinched as a green light filled the room and when it cleared the spider was dead. I couldn't take it, I ran out of the room tears in my eyes.

I ran down to the lake and cried. I sat there crying, as someone sat next to me, when I looked up, I saw Fred. He pulled me into a hug and let me cry." Its alright, Haylee, tell me what happened"

" we were learning curses today and I stood up to him because Neville didn't like what was happening and he made me tell the last the one"

" the killing curse, the one that -" I nodded" he killed the spider but all I saw was my mother and I couldn't be in there, so I ran"

" its alright Haylee, not everyone can be brave all the time"

" but I don't feel brave"

" there are many types of courage, Haylee, no one could have stood up to Those Death Eaters at the World cup but you did, you held them off so we could get away, to protect your brother" I smiled

" what would I do without you Fred"

" I don't know, be boring all day" we started laughing and I smiled" thanks Fred" I stood up and I went up to the common room.

Haylee potter and The Goblet of fire (A Harry Potter Fan-fic)Where stories live. Discover now