Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

By the end of the day, Draco tried two more times to duel me and failed because every time, I used wandless magic. I was walking to the common room when he finally got me." Haylee, will you go to the ball with me" I smiled and hugged him." Yes, Draco, I will go with you" he smiled and the next thing I knew he had kissed me, which caused a vision to go through my head.

I saw Draco at a table next to his parents, there was a thud and a body fell onto the table. A man with redeyes sat at the head of the table with a snake.

I was snapped out the vision by Draco touching my cheek. He smiled" great then, I'll see you there"and with that he ran off. Once he was out of sight, I frowned" you have a long journey ahead, Draco" I mumbled before going into the common room.


I stood waiting with Corith, Leah and Fefe. Corith who had asked Silas( the boy who had asked directions) from drumstrange was seeing a short black dress, with flowers across the chest and her hair was a chocolate brown, Leah who was going with Vincent, was wearing, a short blue dress with a white skirt, her dirty blonde hair was done up in a bun. Fefe was going with Ron who had asked because he ran of choices but I don't think she cared much, she was wearing a strapless sparkly green and poofy dress, her hair was in frilly hairstly with her carmal bangs in a braid pinned around her head.

I was wearing a light blue and sparkly dress with my hair hanging around my shoulders.We were trying to decide who should go first and after another 10 minutes, we pushed Leah toward the entrance, next was Fefe and then Corith. There was the sound of oohs and aahs as they appeared on the stairs. I was last and everyone just watched wide eyed.

Draco was dressed in a tux and he looked adorable, wait what am I saying, Draco is a friend, I don't like him that way....or do i?We waited outside the great hall with the other champions and when the doors opened for us to go in we went in behind Harry and his date.

We followed Mcgonall over to a table and Dumbledore showed everyone how to magically make the food appear. I picked up my own menu and smiled before mumbling" gazpacho". A bowl appeared filled with the soup. I smiled taking sip and Draconian tapped my shoulder. I glanced at with a frown

" have you given any thought to what I asked in the hogshead?" He asked and I shrugged.

" with everything going on and the fact, I could die in this tournament, I'm just not sure" I mumbled and he took my hand.

" I understand and I will always love you, Haylee. No matter your choice, it won't affect our friendship and you can't let this tournament bother you, I mean a dragon didn't attack you, I think your pretty much going to survive " I was about to say more on the subject when the light dimmed.

Draco stood up and held out his hand." May I have this dance." He asked and my face redened turning the color of my hair. I took his hand we followed the other champions onto the dance floor. He placed a hand on my waist as the music began and as we danced we talked.

" Draco, you know I would tell you anything, right" I asked and he nodded, before picking me up and spinning me, making me laugh as he almost dropped me." Do you remember, what I told you about who I was" he nodded saying" I actually did some reading on that and-"

" you did some reading" I asked and he rolled his eyes before continuing" and I read that you'll have abilities other wizards don't"

" like what?" He spun me and I gasped in surprise as he kissed my nose. My face went red again and he laughed" well one of them, is that you'll have a connection with creatures that are dangerous to normal wizards"

" already know that" I mumbled

" photographic memory, you'll be a parselmouth and ....a seer" I let out a fake laugh and he frowned. The song ended and we walked back over to the table." Haylee, when I hugged you in the hallway, you had this faraway look in your eyes, what was that"

" nothing you need to worry about" I mumbled and he frowned." Your doing it again, Haylee"

" doing what"

" pushing me away"

" there are just somethings I can't tell you right now, Draco, just trust that I'm fine and that you dont have to worry, okay?" He nodded but I knew he wasn't going to drop the conversation. While we sat there, I had a dining in my ears but I could still hear people talking but it was distant then I heard it.

Come seek us where our voices sound,

we cannot sing above the ground,

And while you're searching, ponder this:

We've taken what you'll sorely miss,

An hour long you'll have to look,

And to recover what we took,

But past an hour - the prospect's black,

Too late, it's gone, it won't come back.

My eyes widened and I looked at Draco who was watching the party. Had I just heard the clue inside the egg, was that the challenge, they were going to try to take someone from me? Draco looked over at me and frowned" are you alright Haylee, you look like you've seen a ghost"

" I...I'm fine" I mumbled and took his hand." Wanna dance again" I asked as a new song started playing and he nodded. We danced until midnight and he left me at the portrait hole.

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