chapter 14

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Chapter 14

I stood next to the other champions waiting for Rita to stop interviewing Harry. Olivander smiled at me and I smiled back. Once they came out Olivander started weighing our wands. Fleur went first then Cedric Viktor and Harry.

" now the one wand that I will most definitely never forget, Miss Potter" I pulled my wand from my shoulder bag and he smiled." I still remember when I gave this was to you, but I believe you went by a different name back then, Miss Walters " I nodded before chuckling slightly at the memory of Snape with pink hair." I don't think Snape will forget either"

" indeed, now let's see Maple and redwood, dragon heartstring, 10 inches exactly, much like your mother's wand but one part I never mentioned was that it also holds phoenix feather"

"Kinda figured" I mumbled and he nodded inspecting it before pointing it at Snape who had just entered the room and mumbling" redanto"his hair changed from its greasy black to a dark pink. I tried so hard not start laughing but I giggled as for everyone else they just laughed.

Snape glared at Olivander as he turned to me" your wand is slightly chipped and dented but in perfect condition" I frowned knowing exactly why it was in that condition, in my first year our ex professor Quirell had taken it from me, in my second year Tom Riddle had also taken it from me and last year, had been a very hard year and I had squeezed it a little to tight while sending Severus into a wall.

After the wand weighing we took photos and then went down to dinner. Snape stopped me before we went into the Great Hall." Have you had any visions, any headaches"

" no headaches but a vision about Fred has me worried"

" what did you see?" He asked and I looked at the floor sadly" I saw him die" I mumbled and Snape sighed" you must not let your visions cloud your choices, Haylee"

" but-"

" no, there many futures Haylee and the one you've seen may not come true, all you can do is grant him a great life by not telling him, Understand"

" I understand, Severus" he smiled" now run along, before that twit of a reporter does something that will make both our lives life harder " I nodded before going in the great hall and sitting in front of Fred and George. " Hi, Haylee" They both greeted and I nodded in response.

" Hey, Fred got any pranks planned" they looked at each other shocked before saying.

" do our ears deceive us-"

" or did the Haylee potter, Brightest witch-" George added

" and God daughter of Severus Snape-" Fred finshed

" just ask to take part in a prank" they both cried and I chuckled" what's so shocking about it, I do it all the time"

" no, you help us create our pranks but you never take part in them" George pointed out and I shrugged" Maybe I want some fun this year" I mumbled taking a bite of my chicken. They looked at each other before Fred smiled

" alright, but your going to need to be prepared to break the rules"

Haylee potter and The Goblet of fire (A Harry Potter Fan-fic)Where stories live. Discover now