Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

I sat down by the lake with my wand, looking through one of my advanced spell books trying to figure out how I could breath underwater for an hour but so far I had found nothing. I sighed before switching the spell book for a potion book and then, I found my answer." Potion of mermaid's lung, perfect" I mumbled and began reading off the ingredients. I skilled" how much more luck can I have" I mumbled and jumped as I heard someone say" not much if you've just been caught red handed with one of my advanced book, Miss Potter" I looked up to see my Godfather with his arms crossed.

" I'm sorry, Severus" I told him giving the book back but he shook his head" you'll need it for the task, you can use my stores if you need to"

" no, I have everything I need, its a simple potion" I mumbled and he smirked" so much like your mother" I smiled and he walked away. I puleed out my wand and summoned my cauldron. Ten minutes later, I had a bubbling blue liquid. I pulled two vials from my bag and filled them halfway, one for testing and one for the tournament.

I got up and went over to the water." Please let this work" I mumbled before downing the potion. The potion took effect, immediately after I drank it and I fell coughing into the lake. At first everything was burning and then my body transformed, I grew gills and when I climbed back on land they disappeared.

Harry sat next to the tree pacing in a panick " what wrong Harry" I asked and he jumped." Where did you come from"

" I was testing a potion for the next task"

" Haylee, you have to forfeit "

" what do you mean, if this is some over protective brother tpact, I don't want to hear it"

" but we're going underwater, what if your abilities start acting up"

" they won't, I'll be fine Harry don't worry, just concentrate on yourself and let me do my thing" he sighed

" but what if-"

" no, your not doing this, Harry not now" I cleaned my cauldron out before going back up to the castle.

Time skip

The day of the task, I looked around for Draco and spotted him with Crabbe and Goyle. " if its not Draco, then who-" I was cut off by Harry xcoming over to me" Haylee, have you seen Hermione or Ron lately, I can't fond them anywhere"

" they're probably in the stands, Harry" I told him looking at the position in my hand" is that how your going to breath" he asked and I nodded" its why I was in the water yesterday, I was testing it, don't worry, I'll be fine harry" I assured him when he gave me a fearful look. I had my hair in a ponytail and was wearing purple bathing suit that revealed my back. I walked over to the spot where I would be jumping and looked down at the dark waters of the black lake.

" Well, all our champions are ready for the second task, which will start on my whistle. They precisely an hour to recover what has been taken from them." Bagman's voice filled the air" one the count of three, then. One...two...three" a whistle filled the air and I opened the potion, downing it. I jumped into the lake, coughing.

I looked around, spotting Harry who was touching his neck. I swam over to him and his eyes widened" Haylee" but I swam off following after, Krum and Ceric. After a while, I came to an area covered in seaweed and stopped, noticing the little creatures watching me. I heard a scream and looked over just as Fleur got dragged into the seaweed. I kept going and came to a ruined area filled with mermaid but these mermaids weren't like in the stories, they were bony creatures with tridents. I swam toward a group of figures floating unconscious, when I noticed one was taller then the others and my eyes widened" Severus" I gasped and swam to help him. I pulled out my wand and cried" Reducto" a red light shot from my wand, cutting him free. I swam over to him and smiled. I grabbed his hand and pulled him to the surface.

I heard cheers as I dragged him toward the stands. Fred and George rushed us up onto the platform and we were given towels. " you finished first Haylee" they cried and I looked at the water." Come on, Harry " I mumbled as Krum appeared with Hermione. A few minutes later, Cedric followed with Cho Chang. Hermione sat next to me as I mumbled" where is he, Hermione"

" I don't know, Haylee" she answered just as Harry appeared with Ron and Fluer's little sister. " two down, one to go" I mumbled as the judges told us our scores."

Fluer was awarded 25

Cedric was awarded 47

Krum was awarded 40 and Harry got 45

I smiled hugging my brother but I was letterally tackled by Griffindors when Dumbledore anouced mine." And to Miss Haylee Potter who used a perfect sample of Mermaids lung we award her...50 points" I was hit so hard by the crowd of people that I fell back in the lake with scream, making everyone laugh. I glared at them as they pulled me back up, the next task would take place at dusk on the 24th of June. My smile immediately turned to a frown at the mention of the last task.

Poor Cedric, he won't even make it to the end of this tournament

Haylee potter and The Goblet of fire (A Harry Potter Fan-fic)Where stories live. Discover now