T•W•O - another unexpected journey

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After fetching food and tea for the both of them, Bilbo sat across from Thorin next to the hearth and leaned forward. "What are you doing here??" he asked. "You- you died! I saw you die!"

Thorin took a breath and stared into the fire before responding huskily, "I thought I died. I was somewhere...between life and death. It was miraculous. It seems that the Eagles picked me up and carried me to Dale, where I was healed." He looked at Bilbo and a smile appeared on his weathered face. "I must admit, Master Baggins, that I am beyond relief to discover your safety. I'm...not sure what I would have done if you had been injured or..." He trailed off and Bilbo finished the sentence for him.


Thorin sharply inhaled at the word, as if it brought some unnatural pain with it. "Yes." He cleared his throat and sipped his tea.

Bilbo looked up at him, smiling shyly. "So...why ARE you here? Shouldn't you be off ruling, Mr. King-Under-The-Mountain?" He chuckled softly, hollowly.

The Dwarf shook his head. "That...That is not the life I want to live. I do not want to spend my days under a mountain, guarding a treasure that drove my grandfather mad. I am not my grandfather." He stared into the fire for a moment, and then sighed heavily. "I came to visit you, Master Baggins. To see how it is to live a simple life. And...to maybe live it as well."

Bilbo almost choked on his tea. "You mean," he said after he recovered, "you want to live here?? In the Shire?"

Thorin nodded and looked away. "Of course, if you did not wish it, then..."

The hobbit shook his head quickly. "No, of course! Er, we'll have to find you somewhere to stay, of course."

Thorin looked back up at him. "Actually...I was hoping I could stay with you...?"

Bilbo turned a soft pink and nodded. "Of course! I have a spare bedroom you can use."

timeskip cause fuck you let's get to the plot-

That night, as Bilbo lay in his bed, he could hear cries coming from the spare room. He tiptoed over and peeked in. The Dwarf was tossing and turning in his bed, groans and cries filling the dark house.

"Please, no! Father!"

The hobbit crept over to him and gently shook him. "Thorin?" he whispered. "Wake up..!"

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