T•H•R•E•E - help

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Bilbo woke up the next morning tucked comfortably next to Thorin. The Dwarf had his arms around him, and Bilbo was curled up.

His initial reaction was enough to wake Thorin up. He squeaked and fell out of the bed, landing on the ground and nearly pulling Thorin down with him. The Dwarf grumbled and woke up, glaring down at the Hobbit.

"Good morning, Master Hobbit."

Bilbo winced as he stood up, flashing an awkward smile to the grumpy Dwarf.

"Morning...Thorin," he mumbled, starting to walk toward the kitchen to make breakfast.

Thorin surprised Bilbo by tagging along and thanking him. "You have my deepest gratitude for joining me last night. My dreams were...less than friendly."

The Hobbit looked back at him as he put tea on. "I just...heard you yelling...and..." He trailed off, staring into the boiling water as if hoping to find his next words simmering in the pot. "I was concerned," he admitted. 

Thorin further surprised him by looking gratefully at Bilbo, and then sitting next to the hearth as they waited for the water. "Well, it was much appreciated. Once you came along, it was like the nightmares weren't there."

They shared a brief silence before Thorin broke it, sighing  softly. "I will allow myself to admit that I have let myself grow....attached to you. You have changed me in a way I could never have imagined." 

Bilbo froze and looked at him with an expression not unlike a deer in headlights. "P-Pardon?" he spluttered, quite taken aback.

The Dwarf, who was new to the whole 'feelings' thing, panicked. "I- I apologize for my misconduct, Master Baggins! I..I only meant to flatter, not offend." He sighed heavily and looked down at his feet. "I should not have shared that- personal piece of information with you." He opened his mouth to say something else, but was cut off with a sudden groan.

Bilbo rushed to his aid, attempting to help, but was waved away with the hand that wasn't clutching Thorin's head. Thorin was breathing heavily and sweat was running down his forehead as strangled groans escaped clenched teeth. 

After around five minutes of this, the Dwarf let go of his head and gasped, wiping his forehead off and panting. He stayed hunched over in the chair for a moment more before slowly sitting up and staring at Bilbo with fear in his narrowed eyes.

The Hobbit was standing awkwardly to the side, unsure how to react. "Are you alright?" he asked finally in a small voice, breaking the tense silence. The words hung in the air for a second, and then the other spoke,

"It was my father," Thorin breathed hoarsely, leaning forward and resting his elbows on his knees. "He spoke to me..."

"Your father?" Bilbo asked, sitting back down. "Thrain?"

There was no response from the Dwarf, and Bilbo sat in a confused silence. Then, Thorin stood up suddenly, startling the small Hobbit.

"H-Hold up! Where are you going?" Bilbo spluttered, getting out of his chair in a haste and quickly walking over to Thorin. "Thorin, what's happening?"

Without turning to face his host, the King Under The Mountain walked toward the polished round door, saying briskly, "My father gave me a message."

"What kind of message? How do you know it's your father? Where are you going?  Take me with you." The words spilled out of Bilbo's mouth, and he fell silent after saying them. "Please. Please take me with you," he added softly.

Thorin finally turned to look at Bilbo and his face softened. "Of course you're coming with me. Where would I be without my burglar?" (nice lil sherlock reference for yall-)

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