Sunrise I set

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I see you smile

It's like a candle without a flame

So beautiful untouched

Not daring enough to shine

I see your eyes so full

So harmless and young

Your so unafraid

Then why aren't your eyes gleaming

Your spirit always burning

I new thought in your head

The thoughts you think aren't always bright

You're so hopefully hopeless

I watch you watching them

I see you being them

They don't see you

Sunrise I'll set

I see your desperation

It's like a flame in a pitch black room

Your wick still in perfection

Your perfection melting away

Your eyes aren't as wide

I wonder while you ponder

Why are you creased with worry

Keep the glow no matter how faint

Your slowly dull

The spirit being put out like a cigarette

Thrown back into the unknown night

Now for you to discover

I'm fading to ash

The remains of your fires

They have put me out

Sunrise I set

The smile I see

Between you and me

I see the flame flicker

Ongoing no hot wax

Your eyes are shining again

From saying goodbyes

It's for the best I'm gone anyways

Keep looking with wide eyes

You spirit is split with bullets

Your scares are fading

But you light is not

Keep defeating the dark no matter how strong

The wind picked me up

My ash and dust

I'm left to find my own flame

Sunrise I'll set

-and watch you grow through squinted eyes

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