14 | harder to cut

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Cold grips my heart as sadness appears
I wish I could have foreseen with power from seers
I wish I could have thrown and given up the chance
I wish I could have done something to enhance
That sulking grace, never has my soul wavered
Like this, like a thousand trees that quavered
I lost, that much is clear to me now
So why am I still hanging on to that vow?
Slowly dying, that flame I won't admit
Can something save me, can someone do it?
Because I can't save myself—I'll just scat
Flounding, flaunting, my heart became harder to cut

People are there but most are mot
I say my words, despair and hopelessness I begot
Plans made and plans lost, perhaps it's what I deserve
I'm not the best and only the best reserve
The faithful adoration, the world of praise
I sit by the benches of solitude and dark haze
Of my own mind, is there a way out of this?
Everything is dark and lost forever, it seems
Eyes shut as minds chose to believe one thing
Emotions dive and I'll pretend it doesn't sting
Of all the strong hurt will my pain only jot
I stare as my dream slowly became harder to cut

No sense, no life—what are you going to become?
Lost, worthless—is this what defeat is to some?
Everything is gone, dropping like flies in heat
Passion, ideals, perhaps even morality, a little bit
Sold my soul, perhaps death had been right about me
Shabby? Maybe—I don't care anymore, really
I don't know if I should fight or will I surrender
Shall I accept my fate and maybe even remember
How happy I am in ignorance, dreaming of heights
Now that I counted the steps, the top is nowhere in sight
In my own traps, under a moonless night, I sat
These thoughts are becoming harder to cut

The fire spreads but the forest dies down
Confidence wanes and perhaps I should just drown
In my own damning threats, at my own toxic deeds
I bring people down with me as I hatch the seeds
So I should just go and hide what I feel
Be happy for them while deep inside, I reel
I am horrid, perhaps, not really deserving of adoration
I did nothing but cry so I should forsake redemption
Feelings are too strained, bonds are poised to break
Who will continue on for my poor soul's sake?
Because dreams die and dreams are anything but
Sinful, destructive—I am becoming harder to cut

Cold grips my heart as sadness appearsI wish I could have foreseen with power from seers I wish I could have thrown and given up the chance I wish I could have done something to enhance That sulking grace, never has my soul wavered Like this, like...

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Our thoughts and destructive selves are hard to fight sometimes. This poem is dedicated to everyone who fights demons inside themselves every day. Keep fighting.

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