Day 5: Going Ice Skating

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You had convinced Spencer to go ice skating with you, on the condition that you wouldn't let go of his hand. The only problem was, you failed to mention that you weren't quite sure how to ice skate either. It had been years since you last went, but you figured it couldn't be that difficult. Besides, with Spencer's knowledge of physics, how hard could it be.

So, now you both sat on the bench by the outdoor rink, lacing your skates. You had borrowed your brother's old skates for Spencer, not wanting him to have to deal with the Petri dish that rented skates were, which he greatly appreciated.

You had just finished lacing your skates when you looked over at Spencer, who was struggling to get them tight enough.

"Here babe, let me help", you said, patting your knee. Slightly embarrassed, but mostly relieved, Spencer carefully lifted his leg to that it laid across your lap. You tightly pulled on the laces, making sure he was securely in them.

"Thanks", Spencer said sheepishly, after you had finished. You gently squeezed his leg and stood up. He looked up at you, a bit weary to stand with the skates on, but you held your hand out, which he gladly took. His knees were a bit wobbly, but he grabbed onto your arm, steadying himself.

"Promise you won't let go?", he asked, searching your eyes.

"I promise", you reassured, giving him a convincing smile. He nodded his head, and the two of you made your way to the ice. You went on first, feeling your legs shake a bit as you got your balance. Spencer noticed the slight wobble of your knees and immediately back up.

"Are you sure this is a good idea?", he questioned, "I don't want to end up in the hospital tonight".

"Spence, come on", you grabbed onto the railing, holding your hand out for him. "It'll be fine. If we go down, we go down together", you joked. He sighed and took your hand.

"Well if either of us gets a bruised butt, I'm blaming you", he giggled.

"I'll gladly take responsibility", you smirked. When Spencer stepped foot onto the ice, his feet slid under him, and you had to grab hold of his arms before he fell. When you stabilized him, he looked up at you with terror in his eyes.

"Look, if you really don't want to do this-", you started.

"No", he cut you off, "it's okay. It's uh, it's an adventure", he amused. You looked at him and nodded, your smile matching his.

"Okay, just take my hand, and we'll go slow". He tightly grasped your hand, pulling your arm into his chest. You let go of the railing and slowly started to move your feet. Spencer followed, his rigid frame shaking your arm, which was not helping your balance.

You had made it a few paces before you felt your foot slip. You gasped but thankfully caught your balance. Spencer looked over at you, not very amused.

"You okay?", he asked, making sure you hadn't hurt yourself.

"Yeah, yeah I'm good. Sorry about that", you guiltily looked at him. He gave you a small smile and nodded.

"You know, theoretically, crouching and leaning forward will move your center of mass and create a counter torque to offset the force created by your foot on the ice", he rambled. "But, um, I don't know if that would actually do anything given we can't even make it two feet without almost falling", he laughed.

"I mean, it's worth a shot?", you smirked. Spencer took your hand again, and the two of you crouched down, bending your stiff knees slightly. You slowly started to move again and felt a bit more secure.

"Okay, see, this isn't so bad", you said, looking at Spencer.

"Yeah, it could be worse", he amused, looking around. You followed his gaze, looking at all of the people skating around the two of you. "Except I'm pretty sure that five-year-old just lapped us for the second time", he giggled. You laughed, realizing how ridiculous the two of you looked. The both of you were so distracted laughing, that you misplaced your foot, and sent you and Spencer crashing onto the ice. He let out a small yelp, falling on his butt. You fell onto your back, letting out a grunt at the contact with the cold ice.

"Sorry", you groaned, trying to hold back your laughter. Spencer, however, was chuckling beside you.

"Baby, are you okay?", he spoke between giggles, helping you sit up.

"Yeah I'm fine", you said, cautiously getting up. You held out your hand, which Spencer took as you hoisted him up. "Maybe we should stay on the railing", you joked.

"Yeah, that might be best", he teased. You carefully made your way back to the railing, both making sure to hold on tightly.

"I'm sorry this wasn't as fun as I had promised", you admitted. Spencer turned and looked at you.

"Hey no, I'm having so much fun". You looked at him warily, not quite believing him. "No, I'm serious", he reassured, "I have fun no matter what we do, even if we might be sore in the morning". He smiled down at you, "As long as I'm with you, I'm good".

"I love you, you know that?", you asked, lost in his warm eyes.

"Yeah, you might have mentioned it", he amused, leaning into you. You closed your eyes, connecting your lips. Without thinking, Spencer brought his hands up to cup your cheeks, melting into you. You ran your hands along the collar of his jacket, pulling him closer. It wasn't a heated kiss, but all the passion and love was there. When you broke apart, you both smiled at each other, and Spencer gave a chaste kiss to your nose. When he leaned back, however, he realized neither of you were holding onto the railing, the panic setting in causing him to lose his balance. He reached out for you, taking you down with him for the second time. You landed across his lap, giggling at how poor both of your coordination was. He looked at you meekly but was met with your wide grin, which relaxed him instantly.

"We really must stop meeting like this Dr. Reid", you joked, placing a kiss on his lips. His cheeks flushed as he smirked at you, completely enamored with how cute you were.

"Could be worse", he hummed, pulling you back in for a quick peck.

"That it could", you said, smiling against his lips.

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