Day 18: Christmas Baking

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Spencer laid in bed, flipping through one of the many books piled up on his nightstand. He had woken to an empty bed but noticed a note laying on your pillow.

Avoid kitchen at all costs. Super special secret mission is in effect. I repeat, do not enter the kitchen

He let out a breathy laugh as he read it, hearing your adorable voice in his head and picturing how cute you look when you try and to sound serious. He was curious as to what you were doing, but he happily obliged, excited to see what you had planned, albeit slightly nervous.

He was so engrossed in his book, that he almost forgot about your secretive plans. That is until he heard a few pans crash onto the ground.

"You okay?", he called out, looking up from the book in his hand.

"Yes", he heard you grumble, trying to mask the frustration in your voice. He lightly chuckled at how adorably pathetic you sounded and went to go check on you. He didn't want to ruin whatever you had planned, but by the sound of your voice, he knew you could use a hug.

When he walked down the hall towards the kitchen, he saw you sat on the floor, looking defeated at the strewn bowls and utensils surrounding you.

"Sorry I woke you", you mumbled, frowning up at him. He placed the book on the counter and came to sit down next to you. He brushed a piece of hair out of your face and tucked it behind your ear. You leaned into his touch and took your hand in his.

"I was already up", he spoke into your hand as he placed a kiss on it. "Care to tell me why it looks like a tornado went through our cabinets", he amused. You sighed, looking away from him. "I wanted to surprise you with snowflake pancakes", you whimpered. "I was trying to find that pancake pourer that Penelope got me last year, but then I couldn't. I tried looking everywhere, and then things started falling down at me, so I gave up". Spencer frowned, bringing his hand back up to your cheek.

"Baby, I'm sorry", he cooed. "Do you want me to help?", he asked, running his thumb lovingly against your cheek.

"No", you sighed, "it's okay. I guess we can just have regularly shaped pancakes". You paused, looking around at the mess you had made. When you turned back to face him, Spencer noticed tears welling in your eyes. "I just wanted to surprise you", you chocked, trying to hold back the tears.

"(Y/n), come here". He pulled you into his lap and rubbed your back. He felt you sigh into his shoulder, so he placed a kiss on your cheek. "You know, we could just use some of the cookie cutters to make the pancakes into shapes if you want", he offered.

He felt you start to shake in his arms, and based on your breathing, he thought you were crying. His heart dropped at the thought of you crying because of him. "Oh, (Y/n), I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you cry. We don't have to do that. We don't need to make pancakes, we can just order breakfast from that place on the corner if you want".

You pulled back from his neck, allowing him to see your face. What he was met with was not tears, however, but your soft laughter. He looked at you confused, mouth agape. "W-What's so funny?", he asked.

"I'm sorry", you laughed, "I just- I was upset over pancakes and I completely forgot we have cookie cutters". Spencer chuckled, relieved to see you weren't upset and on the verge of tears anymore.

"It's okay. Not everyone can be as innovative as me", he teased.

"Yeah yeah, okay, that's why I keep my favorite genius around". You placed a chaste kiss to his lips, which he gladly smiled into.

"I'm always happy to help with your culinary conundrums", he whispered into your mouth before reconnecting your lips again.

When eventually broke apart, Spencer whined, wanting to stay like that with you forever.

"I have pancakes to make, mister", you smirked. Spencer rolled his eyes and helped you both stand up.

"Fine", he hummed, "but I get to help". He placed another kiss on the top of your head before opening one of the many drawers in the kitchen and pulling out your collection of cookie cutters.

"My hero", you joked, raising your eyebrows. Spencer chuckled and playfully bumped his hip into yours. You glanced at him, a tender smile finding its way across your lips. You knew everything would always be okay as long as you had Spencer by your side.

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