Ghost Choir (SketchbookxLaptop)

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They are humans in this one just letting you know lol

I got the idea while listening to the song above

Also, a friend from Discord helped me out while I was writing this! :D


It was karaoke night for the teachers, everyone was in the living room. The whole thing was Larry's idea and surprisingly, the others actually liked it! They've all been having fun so far. Right now Colin was finishing the song that he was singing since it was his turn.


When the song ended, some of the others clapped, which was definitely just making Colin's ego bigger. Laptop hate to admit it but she thought that her older brother's singing was actually pretty good. Colin put the microphone on the coffee table before walking over to the couch and sat next to Tony, who smiled at him and leaned his head on his shoulder.

"Who's turn is it now?" Shrignold asked. "Well, Tony, Gilbert, the Food Group, you, me and Colin already went so I think Sketchbook and Laptop are left!" Larry said. Sketchbook was really excited to sing next. "Laptop do you wanna sing with me since we're the only ones left?" They asked. Laptop smiled at them. "Sure why not?"

They both grabbed the microphones on the coffee table and got up. They scrolled through the list of songs and tried to pick one that they can sing together. One song stood out to Sketchbook and they stopped scrolling. "How about this one?" They asked Laptop as they pointed at the title, it says 'Ghost Choir'. (Roll credits-)

Laptop's face turned a bit pink. "Are you sure you wanna do that one? It's kinda cheesy..." She muttered, she was a bit embarrassed. "You say that and yet you love it when I sing it to you...~" Sketchbook whispered. Laptop's face turned even more pink, she then chuckled a little. "Alright alright, we can sing this one...!"

Sketchbook smiled at her and selected the song. They both got ready as they heard the music start playing.

(Italicized letters is Sketchbook singing
Bold letters is Laptop singing
Both is pretty obvious XD)

They started singing together.

"Oooo oooo ooo love
Oooo oooo love
Oooo oooo love
My darlin' baby~"

"I'm floating in wistful bliss..." Sketchbook started twirling Laptop around a bit as they sang.

Laptop leaned on Sketchbook's arm after they stopped twirling her around. "Won't you come love on me darlin'?" 

She stopped leaning on Sketchbook and looked away from them a bit. "Oh Honey, won't you come around?" she sang.

"I'll come around..." Sketchbook sang back.

"Do me for a fool?"
"So into yooooouuuu..."

Laptop looked back at Sketchbook and continued singing. "Will you be there?"

"I will be there...~"
"Will you need me?"
"Like I need air...~"
"...Lovin' me?"
"Lovin' you...~"
"Still, I'm blue..."
"Only blue skies..."

"I lose my mind... (When I'm with you)
My mind... (My love is so true)
My Mind... (One look in your eyes)
My Mind... (Like stars in the sky)"

Laptop leaned against Sketchbook's arm once again. "Our love is so sweet... (Like the moon and the sea)"

"I'll see you in my dreams...
Until we meet again,

After the music ended, the other teachers started clapping. Sketchbook and Laptop snapped back to reality, they were so caught up in the song that they had completely forgotten that everyone else was watching. Laptop stopped leaning on Sketchbook's arm, she quickly turned the microphone off and placed it back on the coffee table, Sketchbook did the same. 

"You did great...!" Laptop said. "Hey- I should be the one complimenting you! You did most of the singing!" Sketchbook replied. Laptop's face slowly turned red. "Heh- I know but I didn't really sing as well as you-" she muttered. "Nonsense, you did amazing!" Laptop's face turned even more red. "N-no, you did!" she said, trying to hide how flustered she was. 

Sketchbook snickered. "No, you di-!" Sketchbook was then interrupted by Larry. "ARE YA GONNA KISS OR WHAT? WE'RE MAKING A BET HERE!" he yelled, the other teachers were either snickering or were trying to hide their laughter. Sketchbook started blushing too. "OH SHUT U-" Before Laptop could finish what she was saying, Sketchbook suddenly grabbed her in their arms and dipped her down. Before Laptop could react, Sketchbook kissed her.

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