Request-Morning Kisses (GilbertxMean Steve)

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They're humans in this one lol

also i call MS 'Steph' cuz my friend calls him that and i started getting into the habit of calling him Steph too (plz send help)-

Requested by LordOfThePuffs!


It was around 8 in the morning. Steph woke up from the alarm on his phone and shut it off. He sat up and started stretching, yawning a bit while doing so. He looked over at Gilbert, who was still sleeping soundly. He smiled as he kissed his boyfriend. "Wake up, my love~" he softly whispered. Gilbert slowly woke up. He groaned a bit and covered himself more with the blanket. "Nooooo..." he muttered, trying to go back to sleep. Steph snickered and gave him a few kisses on the cheek. "C'mon, you have to get up...~"

Gilbert turned his back to Steph. "Five more minutesss..." he muttered again. Steph proceeded to cuddle him. "We both know you're going to stay in bed for another hour if I let you fall asleep again," he said while chuckling a bit. "...You're right but-" Gilbert yawned a bit mid-sentence when he responded to Steph. "I'm still going back to sleep..." He continued to have his back face Steph. Steph cuddled him more. "You'll have to get up eventually, my love...~" he whispered. "I don't wannaaaaa..."

"What will make me convince you to get up then?~" he asked, kissing Gilbert's cheek again. "I'm not tellinnngggg..." Gilbert replied. "C'mon, I must know..." Steph said before planting light kisses on his neck and shoulder, causing Gilbert to giggle in response. "It's a secreeeettt!" he said. "Tell me then!" Steph replied while chuckling. "Nooooo!" the other said as he giggled more. "Why not?"

Gilbert stayed silent for a bit, he then turned to Steph and started to cuddle him back. "Because I like it when we're cuddling in bed like this...~" he muttered, his face turning a bit red. Steph blushed, he smiled at Gilbert. "Well I like it too...~" he replied before kissing Gilbert's forehead. "...You still have to get up from bed though-" he muttered before fake coughing. Gilbert snickered. "Okay okay, I will~..."

Gilbert sat up and stretched. Steph got off of the bed and kissed Gilbert's forehead again. "I'll start making breakfast for us," he said. Gilbert smiled at Steph and kissed him on the cheek. "May I help?" he asked. "Why of course you may!" Steph replied happily. "I'll get the cooking utensils ready, you can get the ingredients." Gilbert nodded as he got off of the bed aswell. They both started walking to the kitchen to start cooking.

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